Commissioner Minutes
February 20, 2018
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
February 20, 2018
Ronald Freeman, John Unruh(absent), Bert Lowery, Kristi Cooper, Travis Payne, Mitzi Hesser, Tyler Heinson, Bruce Foster, Stacey Barnes and Grant Neuhold attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll/AP reports and Commissioner minutes of 02/05/18
After the pledge of allegiance, Ron opened the meeting. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. John was absent from meeting.
Ron adjourned regular session and called the board of Health meeting to order. Mitzi gave updates which included, table top meeting in Wichita, community assessment for grants, health fair costs, hiring new environmentalist for Kiowa County. Ron adjourned the BOH meeting and called regular session to order. Mitzi explained that the cost for the blood work has doubled since last year and explained that she would raise the price from $25 to $30 to cover the increase in costs. She asked for a decision on allowing her to pay for County residents out of her budget and that she would not pay rent due to covering the costs, so she could get the notification out to the public. After some discussion Bert moved to have Mitzi pay for all County residents lab results at the Health Fair out of the Health Department fund and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. It was by consensus to have not pay rent and if needed they will look at it later in the year.
Travis Payne came forward to give updates for his departments. Per the Commissioners request from the last meeting he brought a cost comparison for having a service contract with Foley or doing the fluid changes in house. He informed them that each fluid change would cost on an average of $900 for Foley and only $296 for us to do the fluid changes. Which would be close to 60% savings. It was by consensus not to do service agreement with Foley. Next, he discussed putting a barrier fence around the pit at the landfill and presented figures from Superior Fencing. The quote is for (30) 16’ wide X 5’ high panels for $8648.10. He explained the purpose of the fencing and added to the discussion that our operational plan states that we have one and could be written up if one isn’t placed. After some further discussion Bert moved to buy 30 panels from Superior Fence for the pits at the landfill and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. He also added that he is starting to cover some of the pit and will look to seed it this spring.
Break for 5 minutes
Ron asked for a 5-minute executive session at 9:39 for non-elected personnel to discuss employee relations with supervisor Travis Payne and Bert seconded, motion carried 2-0. Regular session began at 9:44 no action taken.
Grant Neuhold and Stacey Barnes came to talk about hosting Kansas Road trip and holding a welcome reception at the Commons. Stacey explained that some of instructors are coming in the night before the event and informed that they are using the Commons building for the reception and that the museum will be open to offer drinks/ice cream and that they would allow them to bring in their own alcohol beverages per the Commissioner approval. After some discussion on concerns, it was by consensus not to have alcohol there unless they can pay for the event insurance that the County insurance company is requesting in the amount of $1 million of liability insurance. They explained they didn’t want to pay for is but asked if they could get a waiver from the individuals would that suffice, and the Clerk will check with our insurance provider and report back.
Break for 5 minutes
Tyler Heinson came to discuss chemical cost from Noxious Weed and wanted clarification on the costs. Bruce Foster and Travis was present for the discussion. Travis presented the last 3 bills for Tyler and explained his costs. Tyler expressed that his confusion was cost shares and explained that he was unsure of the cost but knew it was cheaper than anywhere else. The County sells the chemical at our cost and not shelf price so there is some savings there for the farmers that Travis explained. He also explained that purchasing chemical through Noxious Weed is 100% on the customer share but on must thistle it is 75% on the customer share. Tyler did mention that he isn’t upset on the cost but would like to get a bill as he gets the chemical verses waiting till the end of the year. And Travis mentioned that the cycle of billing has been corrected and this will allow the farmers to pay for their purchase sooner than later. The Commissioners suggest that the cost shares be posted at the office so farmers see this when they come in to order or pay for their bill and ask that it get it the paper to clear up any more confusion on the cost shares.
Kristi Cooper requested for a 5-minute executive session for non-elected personal to discuss employee relations to include Travis Payne. Bert moved for the executive session at 10:33 and Ron seconded motion carried 2-0. Regular session began at 10:38 with no action taken.
Bert moved for an executive session at 10:45 for non-elected personnel for 5 minutes to discuss employee relations and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. Regular session began at 10:50 with no action taken.
Kristi Cooper presented a payroll changes for Scott James (resignation) and Chay Howard (Position change) after review Bert moved to approve the changes and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. Next, she presented a tax correction for approval. After review Ron moved to approve the tax correction and Bert seconded, motion carried 2-0.
During Commissioner discussion Chay informed them that he has heard back from Compton regarding the roof at the commons and feels that they need to invite them to talk about their obligations and they agreed so Chay will contact them and go from there.
Meeting adjourned at 11:27
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