Commissioner Minutes
May 7, 2018
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
May 7, 2018
Ronald Freeman, John Unruh, Bert Lowery, Chay Howard, Kristi Cooper, Tony Factor, Donna Greenleaf, Andrea Polf, Rick Dalke, Rhonda Fernandez and Matt Christenson attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda and Commissioner minutes of 04/30.
After the prayer by Tony Factor, Ron opened the meeting. Bert moved to approve the additions to the agenda and corrections to minutes as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Chay presented a settlement agreement from Compton Construction Services LLC, GMLV Architecture Inc. and Sinclair Masonry Inc. for approval. After reviewing the agreement John moved to approve the settlement and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Rustin Ardery, Donna Greenleaf, Max Liggett, Jeff Wirth and Josh Adelhardt came from Kiowa County Soil Conservation District and presented their budget request for 2019.
Chay Howard wanted to talk about the contract for the ambulance service. He did mention that he talked with Rosa about some changes she would like to make and Chay informed them if they make changes they will have to work with contract negotiations with Great Plains. No action decided.
Rick Dalke, Tabitha Murski and Terry Mayhew came from ICHD and to give updates and presented their 2019 budget request.
Break till 10:30.
Michelle Yingling from Blue Cross & Blue Shield and Ronda Fernandez with PIC. Rhonda went over figures for BCBS for fully insured for $1,377,530.52 and self-funded for $1,268,006.04. Employee premiums may go up from $60 to $80 and $150 to $200. After much discussion, John moved to go with the self-funded plan with BCBS and to make the slight increase of the employee share as presented and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0
Matt came back to report that the windows leaked at several of our buildings from the storm last week which included the courthouse, commons and community building. Last time they were sealed was 5 years per Matt and he feels that was the issue. He informed them he went ahead and got a quote for a rental of a boom lift in the amount of $1400 from United Rental out of Dodge City for one week so Travis can reseal all the windows at the various locations as stated above. John moved to rent the boom lift in the amount of $1400 and Bert seconded for a week pending on when they can get the sealant in.
Andrea Polf came from Arrowhead West to present their 2019 budget request and gave them updates for the program in Kiowa County.
Kristi Cooper presented a payroll change for T Finch (merit increase) and T Tovar (resignation) for approval. After review of the payroll changes Ron moved to approve the changes and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
During Commissioner discussion Ron brought up the topic of the foreman being allowed to take his work truck home from the previous meeting. After some discussion Bert moved to allow Jay Schmidt to take the work truck home and Ron seconded motion carried 3-0. Next, they discussed the ambulance voucher process and asked if they needed to be involved in the approval of out of state travel and Chay explained as an independent contractor that the county has no authority on the out of state approval unless it is greater than $10,000 per our purchase policy but anything under that will need to be approved by Mary at the hospital. It was by consensus of the Commissioners to have Chay contact Rosa about this change.
Meeting adjourned at 11:26
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