Commissioner Minutes
June 16, 2018
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
June 16, 2018
Ronald Freeman, John Unruh, Bert Lowery, Chay Howard, Kristi Cooper, Matt Christenson, Travis Payne, Mitzi Hesser, Traci Gumpenberger, Sam Bucher, Grant Neuhold, Mike McBeath, Cassie Gamble, Heather Coyne, Scott Brown, Stacy Barnes, Shawn Cannon, Josh Cannon, Mary Sweet, Jane AneOborny, Bruce Foster and Rosa Spainhour attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll/Accounts Payable reports and Commissioner minutes of 06/04.
After the pledge of Allegiance, Ron opened the meeting. John moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Mitzi Hesser came for the Board of Health (BOH) meeting. Ron adjourned the Commissioner meeting and called the BOH meeting to order. She gave updates which included grants that have been submitted for Emergency Preparedness, Family planning and Immunization grant, WIC coalition grant due, attended conference in Salina and reported there was an incident with another vehicle with their car door, but she has called Banco and reported the incident. Ron adjourned BOH and called regular session to order. She presented a school nursing contract with Valley View school. Ron moved to renew the school nursing contract with Valley View school and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Travis Payne came forward to give updates for public work departments. He presented a bid on chat from Nace Farms and explained that was the only one turned in. Nace Farms bid was for 250 tons in the amount of $7247. Bert moved to accept the bid on chat and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. He then presented a Foley quote for annual maintenance agreement for the generator at R&B shop in the amount of $683.20 yearly for approval. He expressed that it would be a better deal in savings to have them service it. John moved to approve the contract from Foley to provide service maintenance and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, he presented payroll changes for part time mowers for C Tedder, G Tuttle, B Detwiler for approval. After review Ron moved to approve and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. He presented a payroll change for B Detwiler payroll change (resignation) due to him taking a different job. Bert moved to approve the payroll change and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. He did mention that he has given approval for anyone who would like to work extra to get caught up on mowing and it was by consensus to allow the extra hours for mowing. Other items discussed was repairs to the Sterling truck #230 is in Wichita for repairs, billing for noxious weed and mowing county right of ways.
Break called for 10 minutes at 9:42.
Traci Gumpenberger and Sam Bucher came from the library board to present their 2019 budget request. She explained operations is running around $105,000 and informed that they have made the adjustments per their request 4 years ago and explained the impacts that could occur if they are not fully funded. Ron asked Traci for all 3 locations total yearly expenses, so they could look at that before the budget workshop. Traci will get the information and give it to the clerk.
Grant Neuhold, Mike McBeath and Cassie Gamble came forward to present the Media Center 2019 budget request. There were many supporters that came on behalf of the media center and expressed how their services have helped the individuals and businesses.
Bruce Foster came forward to present a KDOT contract for approval. After review of the contract Bert moved to approve the contract with KDOT and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Ron pointed out that there is no place to sign and Bruce will have to go get that other page and bring it back. Next, he presented a map of where he is spraying for musk thistle and total acres of what he is spraying. He informed them that he would be purchasing some rosette weevils to help reduce the spread of musk thistle but added it was illegal to transport these critters in our county. Do to the liability of purchasing these weevils and in the absence of legal counsel, Kristi advises that Chay needs to be advised of this before any decision is made.
Mary Sweet and Jane AneOborny came to ask for clarification on who owns the equipment in the ambulance and especially the new Zoll monitor since it was purchasing using their tax ID and not the Counties. Kristi explained that the County covers the insurance for the vehicles and contents in the vehicles we own. It was by consensus that the County owns the new Zoll monitor. In the future Rosa will use our tax ID to purchase any or all equipment for the ambulance. Mary also reported they installed new carpet in the halls and that they are hiring nurses and maintenance technician.
Break was called for 5 minutes.
Kristi and Chay requested a 5-minute executive for non-elected personal to discuss attorney client privileges at 10:49. John moved to go into executive session and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 10:54. No action was taken. John requested to have Bruce come back per the discussion from earlier regarding his statement on purchasing illegal weevils. Ron called Bruce via phone and asked him to come back.
Bruce Foster came back per the Commissioner’s request. Kristi explained that his statement from earlier puts the County in jeopardy of liability on the purchase of the Rosette weevil’s due to it being against State Law to transport them into our County. Ron informed him he is not allowed to purchase them as our Noxious Weed supervisor. Bruce informed him that his statement from earlier was inappropriate and that he will not be purchasing them per the Commissioner’s request. Bruce left the meeting.
Matt Christenson came to present the updated pay plan with changes from the prior meeting discussion after review of the updated pay plan Bert moved to accept the changes and new job descriptions and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, he presented the Courthouse and Emergency Management budget request for 2019 for review.
Kristi Cooper presented a payroll change J Hoover (resignation) for approval. Ron moved to approve the payroll change and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. She read the board appointment letter from South West Kansas Area Agency on Aging and asked if anyone would like to serve and it was by consensus not to appoint anyone at this time. Next, she explained at the last meeting they made a motion to split the funds from the Commons building roof settlement into county general equipment fund and commons building fund. She asked them to make a new motion to deposit all funds into the county general building fund. John moves to put all the funds into the county building fund and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. She then asked if anyone would be interested in being a voting delegate for KAC. After some discussion, John moved to appoint Ron as the delegate for KAC and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Last she presented the 2019 Holidays for approval. She explained that these come from state for district court and that she added two half days. John was not in agreeance of the 2 extra half days but the other two were not opposed. Bert moved to approve the 2019 Holidays as presented and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-1 (John opposed).
During Commissioner discussion there were no topics discussed.
Meeting adjourned at 12:00
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