Commissioner Minutes
August 20, 2018
Ronald Freeman, John Unruh, Bert Lowery, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, Kerri Ulrich, Jay Schmidt, Jay Koehn, Chris Tedder and Matt Christenson attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll reports, Accounts Payable reports and Commissioner minutes of 08/06, 08/07, 08/09, 08/13.
After the pledge of Allegiance, Ron opened the meeting. John requested a 5-minute executive session to discuss employee relations at 9:00 and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 9:05 with no action taken. Ron moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Kerri Ulrich came for the Board of Health (BOH). Ron adjourned the meeting and called the BOH meeting to order. Kerri gave updates for the health department which included, back to school physicals and immunizations, Emergency Preparedness Full scale exercise with SKCPH on October 5th and USD #422 school nursing contract. Ron adjourned the BOH and called the regular meeting back to order. Kerri presented the nursing contract for USD #422 for approval. After review Bert moved to approve the contract and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Jay Schmidt came to give updates for the public work departments. He presented payroll changes for J Meitl, C Tedder, R Tedder, G Tuttle for resignations and L Thornesbery (merit increase) for review. After review of the changes John moved to approve them as presented and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Due to the part time mowing crew leaving to go back to school that will leave them short handed on mowing but will use other employees. They discussed the E Grant overlay project and Jay informed them that Heft and Sons will start around September 1st and will cost around $22,000. John moved to approve the double chat seal for $22,000 on E Grant and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Heft and Sons will start the project after September 15th. They discussed employees for the landfill due to the part time employee leaving at the beginning of September and Jay explained that the foreman would like to replace the part time position with a full-time employee and Ron wanted to know what his justification for the full-time employee since in the past they only had one for a long time and Bert agreed. Jay informed them that the budget for the landfill won’t cover the position for this year. He will talk Jason and report back at the next meeting.
Break was called for 5 minutes at 9:43.
Jay Koehn came to discuss quotes for the bed on the new fire truck. He gave a quote from Blanchat for $45,160 and from Emergency Fire for $44,495. After some further discussion Bert moved to approve Jay to spend $44,495 to Emergency Fire to equip the new rig for Mullinville department and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Kristi Cooper presented a payroll change for P Capansky (new hire) for the Sheriff’s Office and Bert moved to approve the payroll change and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Matt Christenson came to discuss the annual maintenance system agreement for our phone system CPI Telecom for $2,661. Bert moved to approve the agreement with CPI Telecom for the ShoreTel phone system in the amount of $2,661 and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, he informed them that they are painting the hallways in the courthouse due to not being able to match the current color.
Chris Tedder came to introduce two new deputies Garth Koehn and Preston Capansky. He asked them to change the salary grade on the office manager position from 14 to 16 due to all the duties that position does. Bert moved to change the salary grade for the office manager position to 16 and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, he presented a voucher and he asked for a special account payable, so a deputy could go to class this week and it was by consensus to do a special AP. Chris requested an executive session for 7 minutes to discuss employee relations at 10:38. Ron moved for the executive session and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 10:45 with action taken. Chris asked for a 5-minute extension for an executive session for employee relations at 10:45 and Bert moved for the executive session and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 10:50 with no action taken.
Matt Christenson came back to discuss email host, new computers for departments and Microsoft office 10 licenses and purchase contract for the SRS building. He presented a voucher for $5000 for the purchase of the SRS building and the purchase contract for approval and he explained that he would need a special AP, so he can send the purchase contract off this week. After review of the contract John moved to approve the contract with Carr Auction and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0 pending county counsel approval. Chay came back in and informed them that he had approved the contract after some revisions had been made.
During Commissioner Discussion Ron requested an executive session for 15 minutes to discuss employee relations at 11:05 and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 11:20 with no action taken. After some discussion regarding the public works supervisor position. Ron moved to hire Jay Schmidt for the position at $25.50 and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Jay was called back to the meeting. Ron offered the position to Jay with the starting wage of where he left off at. Jay accepted the offer as public works supervisor and today will be his first official day as the supervisor.
Meeting adjourned at 11:27
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