Commissioner Minutes
April 15, 2019
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
April 15, 2019
Bert Lowery, John Bertram, Ronald Freeman, Kristi Cooper, Jeff Blackburn, Kerri Ulrich, Kristen Hines, Matt Christenson, Tina Thronesbery, Kaylan Jones and Jay Schmidt attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, payroll reports, ap reports and Commissioner minutes of 04/01/19.
After the prayer was given by Jeff Blackburn, Bert opened the meeting. Ron moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Kerri Ulrich came for Board of Health. Bert adjourned the regular session and called the BOH meeting got order. She gave updates which included; up coming conferences they will be attending, health fair, new building updates and Julie Keeton will be our new pharmacist when they move over to the new building. Bert adjourned the BOH meeting and called the regular meeting to order. No action was taken.
Bruce Foster came to present the annual Noxious Weed report. After review of the report, Bert moved to approve the report as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Jay Schmidt came to give updates for the public works departments which included; USDA putting in a few waterways over at 55th Ave on minimum maintenance road and wanted to know if they would want to put in culverts, tree saw purchase, overlay bids north of Mullinville, sand seal bids on last year overlay.
Donna Greenleaf and David Allen came to present the 2020 Soil conservation district in the amount of $15,000 with other board members.
Jay Schmidt came back to continue with updates. Which included; gopher baiting, road work updates, State Highway project for this year will be 183 north.
Matt Christenson came to discuss switching over to fiber lines from Haviland Telephone Company. He presented the agreement for approval for a monthly charge of $599 and the $6000 for the connection fee and this will be taken out of the building fund. Ron moved to approve the fiber line agreement as presented and John seconded, motion carried.
Break called till 10:15.
Chay Howard (via phone conference) called to talk about funding the new position for his office and wanted guidance when he turns in his 2020 County Attorney budget. He will speak with our auditors for guidance.
Donna McDonald and Jackie Robertson came to give quotes from EMC and Berkshire Hathaway for business property insurance. She explained that the County has been with EMC since 1991 and the quote will be $261,801 and Berkshire Hathaway will be for $261,229. After review of the different policy coverages and quotes, Bert moved to renew the insurance business policy with EMC and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Break till 10:45.
Rhonda Fernandez came to present the 2020 health insurance quote from Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) and reported there was no increase for the policy and that the renewal will be the same as last year $1,126,270, Delta Dental went down a little and Vision care direct stayed the same. After some discussion on the polices, Ron moved to approve the BCBS insurance quote and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Commissioner discussion, they discussed truck traffic on center view blacktop. John will talk with the Sheriff.
Patrick Klecker from Santa Fe Trails came to get their yearly reviews. And presented grant applications for approval. After the review of the comprehensive plans for are area and the services they are provided Bert moved and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Brenda Osborne came to discuss closing the Treasurer office for their district meeting that will be held on April 26 and request to be closed till 1. Bert moved to approve this and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:02
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