Commissioner Minutes
June 17, 2019
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
June 17, 2019
Bert Lowery, John Bertram, Ronald Freeman, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, Jay Schmidt, Kerri Ulrich, Larry Fahrenbrunch, Terri Butler, Sue Greenleaf, Ronald Clayton, Matt Christenson and Jeff Blackburn attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, PR reports, AP reports and Commissioner minutes of 06//03.
After the prayer was given by Jeff Blackburn, Bert opened the meeting. Ron moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Bert adjourned the regular meeting and called the Board of Health (BOH) meeting to order. Kerri Ulrich came to give updates which included; building updates, move date July 1st, quote on additional signs, 4-H day camp updates, attended immunization conference, pharmacist inventory, and school contract. Bert adjourned the BOH and called the regular meeting back to order. Kerri presented the school nursing contract for USD #422 for approval. After review of the contract Ron moved to approve it as presented and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, she presented a quote for an additional sign at the health department from Wheat State in the amount of $3573.71 (4 x 8) and $2821.47 (4 x 6). They asked her to get quotes for a smaller sign and report back.
Jay Schmidt came to give updates for the public works departments which included; mowing, blading, fixing washouts, issues with the culvert south of town and changes to the Solid Waste department. He explained that with Corey leaving soon that there is concern on the budget if they replace him with a full-time employee. They discussed multiple options which included; hiring a full-time employee, hiring a part-time employee, closing extra days and using other staff to fill the position. Jay will speak with his staff and will report back.
Larry Fahrenbruch with Medical transport solutions came to talk with them about the coverage they offer for employers and employees. No action was taken.
Break called at 10:04 till 10:10.
Terry Butler, Sue Greenleaf and Ron Clayton came to represent the Museum board and present their 2020 budget request.
Matt Christenson came to discuss refinancing the Hospital Revenue Bond. He will talk with the hospital board and work with Raymond James on this process if the hospital board agrees to move forward. Next, he presented quotes on doors for the East and West doors from Home Lumber for $1144 for 2 metal doors, $2250 for 2 fiberglass doors and 2 wooden doors from Sun Mountain $4408. After discussion John moved to purchase 2 fiberglass doors in the amount of $2250 and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, he presented a quote for a storm shelter for the health department for $4180. After some discussion it was by consensus not to move forward with the storm shelter and that they can use the Courthouse. Last, he presented a server quote for the Sheriff Office. After review of the quote for the new server, Ron moved to approve the quote from SHI in the amount of $19,991.69 and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. The old server will the used as the backup for the Commons building.
Kristi Cooper presented policy 506 to reflect the changes they discussed at the last meeting. After review of the policy, John moved to approve the changes and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, she discussed adding more electrical outlets in the barn and fixing the barn roof where the birds are coming in. She will get quotes and report back.
During Commissioner Chay Howard informed them the information he found on open range. And it was by consensus to see if they farmers would split the cost of the cattle guards for the area they want to do open range.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:13
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