Commissioner Minutes
August 30, 2019
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
August 30, 2019
Bert Lowery, John Bertram, Ronald Freeman, Kristi Cooper, Jay Schmidt, Cody Sherer, Chris Tedder and Jeff Blackburn attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll and Accounts Payable reports and Commissioner minutes of 08/19 & 08/26.
After the prayer was given by Jeff Blackburn, Bert opened the meeting. John moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Jay Schmidt came to give updates for the public works departments which included; road updates, issues with beavers at Thompson Creek, load rating on bridges, Solid Waste Management plan review, E-waste collections, recycle dumpsters cost increase from Nisley. Jay presented Resolution 2019-7 for adopting Solid Waste Management Plan annual review to be adopted. Bert moved to adopt Resolution 2019-7 and Ron seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next Ron brought up the topic on charging for C&D for county residents and non-county residents and after some discussion John moved to only charge the non-county residents $20 per cubic yard only and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Jay will get this notice to the paper and posted on the County website.
Break called till 9:50
Cody Sherer came to inform them that he needs to replace the ice machine at the Mullinville station and presented some bids. They approved Cody to purchase the ice machine by consensus in the amount of $2674. Next, he asked if he could dispose of 3 trucks and list them at the consignment auction with Browns Auction coming up. He explained that they had done this previously and that another fireman bought the truck and has responded to assist in fires, so he explained to them that there could be several other firemen looking to buy what they are listing, and this would help a local business as well. It was by consensus to allow him to list them in the consignment auction with Browns Auction.
Chay Howard presented a payroll change for C Cantrall (separation). Ron moved to approve the change and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. He informed them that he will be moving forward to replace the office manager position just now and would look at hiring for the legal assistant/correction officer later. It was by consensus to allow him to hire for office manager and hold off on the other position. Next, he presented a new contract with the Triangle Rodeo club for a maintenance agreement for adjoining properties at the fairgrounds. Bert moved to approve the contract as presented and Ron seconded motion carried 3-0. Kristi informed them that she will contact Zane Huffman and let him review the contract for their approval as well.
Kristi Cooper presented appointments for the Southwestern Kansas Area Agency on Aging (SWKAAA). After review of the appointments, Bert moved to appoint Mary Racette, Sara Fairchild and Mitzi Hesser to the board of SWKAAA and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
During Commissioner discussion Ron informed them that Andy Kimble as been in contact with Heft Sons regarding their portion of the project for the Mullinville main street project coming up this fall and that they would not be needing the Counties assistance that was discussed at an earlier meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:07.
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