Commissioner Minutes
November 18, 2019
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
November 18, 2019
Bert Lowery, John Bertram, Ronald Freeman, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, Kerri Ulrich, Jay Schmidt, Matt Christenson, Brenda Osborne, Chris Tedder, Richard McVey and Tony Factor attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll reports, Accounts Payable reports and Commissioner minutes of 11/04 & 11/11.
After the prayer was given by Tony Factor, Bert opened the meeting. Ron moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Kerri Ulrich came to give updates for the Health department for the Board of Health (BOH) meeting. Bert adjourned the meeting and called the BOH meeting to order. Updates included; service totals for October, finished hearing/vision testing for schools, upcoming training for students with epi pens, Emergency Preparedness State-Wide drill coming up in April, Health Fair date March 28, 2020, an appreciation award received from the Kiowa County Extension office, advertising for health technician and countywide daycare discussion continued. Bert adjourned the BOH meeting and called the regular meeting to order.
Jay Schmidt, came to give updates for the Public Works departments which included; payroll change D Liggett (department change), selling old trucks, hauled asphalt for Heft and Sons will be adjusted on the invoice for their help of hauling material. Recycling bins being picked up at the end of the month. Ron moved to approve the payroll change that was presented and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Chay Howard and Brenda Osborne came to request an executive session to discuss matters affecting financial affairs of a private business. Bert moved to go into executive session at 9:45 for 5 minutes and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 9:50. John moved to agree to pay half of the outstanding lien in the amount of $723.30 owed to Centera Bank against a vehicle whose title was impaired by the issuance of an incorrect title, in exchange for Centera Banks release of any claim of liability against the County and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Chris Tedder came to discuss hiring part time help for the jail, payroll changes for jailer’s wage increases, working holiday pay for next years approved holidays and purchasing 4 radios. Payroll changes for T Neill, M Tedder, B Parkin and J Scarbrough were presented for approval. After review, Bert moved to approve them as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, he wanted to discuss the July 3rd holiday for next year. He explained that since the actual holiday falls on a Saturday and that he has employees that are working on the 4th so he asked if they could receive the working holiday pay. Clerk explained that in the past the Commissioners has approved this addition to holidays for his employees. John moved to approve July 4th as a working holiday for the employees at the Sheriff office and Ron seconded, motion carried 3-0. Last he discussed purchasing 4 radios which would be around $6250 each. Ron moved to approve him to purchase 4 radios and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Break was called till 10:10.
Matt Christenson came to discuss phone systems for all the county facilities. He explained our contract with AT&T will be expiring soon and so he went ahead and got quotes from AT&T and Haviland Telephone. He went over the quotes with the different options. His recommendation would be to move to Haviland Telephone and to purchase the VOIP System and move to the analog lines, but he is waiting to hear back from them on a few details regarding secured faxes and if the new system would work with the logging recorder phone line at the Sheriff’s office. He will report back later. He did inform them that he wouldn’t start installing the new phone system till February, so they have plenty of time. Also, he mentioned the permanent records at the storage pods are on hold for moving over here until he can find someone to come inspect the records for any mold and that the costs would be low and will report back.
Kristi Cooper presented payroll changes for M Christenson, K Ulrich and J Schmidt (merit increases) for approval. After review, Bert moved to approve the payroll changes as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Tax Corrections were presented next for approval. After review, John moved to approve them as presented and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
There were no topics for discussion during Commissioner Discussion.
Meeting adjourned at 11:15
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