Commissioner Minutes
November 27, 2019
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
November 27, 2019
Bert Lowery (absent), John Bertram, Ronald Freeman, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, Jay Schmidt, Scott McCann, Krista Amaro and DJ McMurry attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll and Accounts Payable reports and Commissioner minutes of 11/18.
After the pledge of allegiance John opened the meeting. Ron moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Jay Schmidt came to give updates for Public Works departments which included; payroll change for M Allsbury(merit), Mullinville blacktop project, grass fire at the county shop, incident with vehicle at the project in Mullinville. John moved to approve the payroll change as presented and Ron seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Scott McCann and Krista Amaro came to give updates for the Sheriff’s office which included; payroll changes for S Butler and K Charlton (merit), C Erickson (new hire), new vehicle updates and still looking to hire an additional part-time employee in detention. Ron moved to approve the payroll changes as presented for approval and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Kristi Cooper presented tax corrections for approval. Ron moved to approve the corrections as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
During Commissioner Discussion they discussed the mowing at the Belvidere old school house and county shop. John explained he had someone approach him about the mowing down there and that they would like to bid the mowing. Chay suggests John talking with the current person mowing it and they will go from there about opening it up for bids with the insurance specifications that are required now.
Meeting adjourned at 10:19
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