Commissioner Minutes
February 28, 2020
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
February 28, 2020
Ronald Freeman, John Bertram, Bert Lowery, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, DJ McMurry, Jay Schmidt, Jeanie Thomas, Hank Halley and Tony Factor attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll reports, AP reports and Commissioner minutes of 02/18/20.
Prayer was given by Tony Factor. Ron opened the meeting at 9:00. John moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Ron opened the continued discussion for the Belvidere school house with Hank Halley and Jeanie Thomas present. Jeanie asked some questions regarding lead paint, septic tanks, water, electricity and property lines. Chay informed her that the selling of the property would be as is and that the new owner would be responsible. Chay explained that the sell would be set for May 7th which would allow plenty of time to give notifications that the County are required to do after the public hearing and After some further discussion, Chay presented Resolution 2020-6 for Determining certain County property to be surplus and ordering the same to be sold. After review of the resolution, Bert moved to adopt the resolution 2020-6 as presented to sell the Belvidere school house on May 7th at 10:00 a.m. at the Courthouse and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Kristi will publish the resolution for 3 consecutive weeks and then would place an ad monthly to remind interested parties of the sell.
Jay Schmidt came to give updates for the public works departments which included; road maintenance and meeting attendance. He asked that it be allowed that he attend 2 meetings a month and it was by consensus that he attends the 1st and 3rd meeting of the month with updates and if he needed to get on the agenda for the last meeting that he could when needed.
Kristi Cooper came to present bids for the electrical work to be done at the fairgrounds from Eck Services in the amount of $8,857.94, Adams Electric in the amount of $11,565.65 and Inter Green Services in the amount of $6,249.00. After review of the bids, Bert moved to approve the bid from Inter Green Services and pay for the services out of the building fund and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, she informed them that she is going to get bids to seal the brick and sealing the floors at the Community center and quotes on repairing the gables on the barn to keep the birds from coming in as well. She expressed her concerns on the birds coming in and the Commissioners agreed that they need to get fixed.
During Commissioner discussion Kristi presented the minutes per Ron’s request regarding the operational hours of the Health department. The minutes from February 18, 2014 stated they approved the operational hours to be changed on Friday to close at noon. She advised them that if they have any further questions or concerns they would need to talk to Kerri the next time she is here.
Meeting adjourned at 11:59
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