Commissioner Minutes
March 31, 2020
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse District Courtroom
March 31, 2020
Bert Lowery, John Bertram (absent), Ronald Freeman, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, Kerri Ulrich, Jay Schmidt, Chris Tedder and Grant Neuhold attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll reports, AP reports and Commissioner minutes of 03/16, 03/17(1), 03/17(2), 03/20 & 03/27.
After the pledge of allegiance. Ron opened the meeting at 9:00. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Ron adjourned the regular meeting and called the Board of Health (BOH) meeting to order. Kerri Ulrich came to give updates for the Health department which included; COVID-19 information and Executive order NO. 20-16. Ron adjourned the BOH and called the regular meeting back to order.
Jay Schmidt came to give updates for the public works departments which included; road maintenance, agreement with KDOT on spraying at rights-of-way, landfill operation hours, bids on upcoming chip seals and overlays project for this year. Jay presented the agreement with KDOT on allowing them to spray for noxious weeds in the rights-of-way for approval. After review of the agreement Bert moved to accept the agreement and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. Next, he asked to allow him to change the operation hours at the landfill to Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturdays temporarily to allow the trash services to continue for the cities and to allow the public access on Saturdays. He explained that he will only have one employee working on those days as well. After some discussion on the topic Bert moved to change the days the landfill is open to as discussed and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. Last he asked for permission to still accept bids for upcoming projects for chip seals and overlays. It was by consensus to continue with accepting them but that it may just have be added to the bid that contracts could be postponed due to operations.
Kristi Cooper presented a proclamation from CASA asking Kiowa County to declare the month of April as Child abuse prevention month. Ron moved to sign the proclamation and Bert seconded, motion carried 2-0. Next, she presented Resolution 2020-10 authorizing participation in Rural Opportunity Zone Student loan repayment program for renewal. Bert moved to adopt Resolution 2020-10 and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Grant Neuhold came to discuss continuing education for a couple of students that are using his classes as part of their credit hours through Pratt Community College. He explained what he could do take measures to protect the students by bringing one in at a time so they could do what they need to for their classes. They asked him to consult with Kerri, but it was by consensus that he could if she says its ok.
Break called till 10:00.
Chris Tedder came to request permission to pay his Deputies, Detention and Dispatchers a hazard pay at the rate of time and ½ straight pay for their regularly scheduled hours. He explained that he sent his 3 supervisor’s home on a modified administration leave and that they will be called in if needed to cover shifts if others aren’t able to work or they may come in a few hours to check on things. But they will for the most part stay out of the office. Bert asked if he had it in his budget and he said for the most part but that he would make it work. After some discussion Bert moved to approve his proposal to pay required employees working at a rate of time and ½ straight pay and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. Ron added that they should put a end date on this and it was by consensus to revisit this at the end of 30 days just as they will do for all operations for the County.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05
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