Commissioner Minutes
February 28, 2022
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
February 28, 2022
David White, Bert Lowery, John Bertram, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, Kelly Askew, George Jennings, Michael Rainger, Tracy Barton and Tracy Weaver attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll report, Accounts Payable reports, and Commissioner minutes of 2/22/2022.
Prior to meeting prayer was received by Stacy Weaver and the pledge of allegiance was recited. David White opened the meeting at 9:00. Bert moved to approve the minutes with corrections as presented and John seconded, motion passed unanimously. Next, Bert moved to accept the consent agenda and John seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Kelly Askew came as the County Library director to visit about the commons building and to follow up on when the building would be sealed since it was approved in April last year. David asked Bert to if he could give more information on the project since he is contractor. Bert informed them that the temperature needs to be a minimum of 70 degrees and no wind gusts. He informed them that he is hoping to start the project once the weather permits. Lastly, she wanted to inform them there would be an increase in the County Library budget for 2023 which would allow them to offer a health insurance stipend to their 2 full time and 2 part time employees and explained that they would not qualify for a group insurance plan since they don’t have enough employees. She just wanted them to be aware of the increase in their request.
George Jennings came as a private citizen to open a conversation regarding recycling goods such as household furniture to construction materials and metal and tools, from lumber and wood, to fence posts and firewood that are thrown out to the landfill and how this could conserve on reusable waste and how this would benefit both county residents and the environment. He asks them to consider creating a reuse policy for the County landfill. The commissioners agree if they are allowed to make those changes to the policy that they would be in favor of such changes, but they would need to visit with Jay first to see how the policies are set and they could go from there. George will reach out to Jay as well informed.
Michael Rainger with Rainger Associates came to give a quick review on lowering residential inflation thru energy cost reductions and provided some information on how he could help. He did inform them that over the next couple of months he would come to give updates on his progress at each meeting as he progresses forward.
Tracy Barton with Kansas Natural Resource Coalition (KNRC) came to discuss the Rails to Trails program that they are assisting other county members. She presented the plan document for their review as she informed them of the program and how they are moving forward assisting other counties removing the Rails to Trails due to inactive line of railroads trails within several counites. She explained if they would like to move forward that they would need to adopt a resolution allowing KNRC to proceed on with the process. Next, she presented the resolution for the counselor to review. Chay will review all documents provided and they can discuss this at the next meeting.
Break called till 9:51.
Kristi Cooper wanted to have a discussion on mowing services for the county facilities and see if they wanted to contract those out again or have the maintenance department provide that service since it was handled by her department, but that they would need to purchase some of the equipment needed, since they disposed of some of the major equipment needed. After some conversation it was by consensus to move forward with receiving bids for those services and they would review the quotes and compare the costs for the county overall and go from there. Next, she presented the completed questionnaire for KCAMP that she has submitted for an insurance quote and explained that she had also submitted the information that included our seven-year loss run detailing claims which included dates of losses, claim descriptions and a copy of the machinery and equipment we currently insure. She did inform them that the renewal would need to move to a calendar year and that they don’t offer workers compensation, so she is looking into additional coverage quotes for that as well but that their representatives would explain all that to them when they come out with their proposal. Lastly, she presented the February 22 commissioner minutes and accounts payable reports for signatures.
During Commissioner discussion, David wanted to inform them that he won’t be present at the next meeting but wanted them to know that he is in full support of moving forward on the 911 mapping for the county that Kendall will be presenting at the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 10:18
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