Commissioner Minutes
January 18, 2022
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
January 18, 2022
David White, Bert Lowery, John Bertram, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, Kerri Ulrich, Jay Schmidt, Theron McKinney, Diane Thompson, Julie Lyon, Terri Butler, Norval Ralstin and Matt Christenson attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll report, Accounts Payable reports, and Commissioner minutes of 1/3/2022.
After the pledge of allegiance, David White opened the meeting at 9:00. John moved to approve the consent agenda as presented Bert seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Jay Schmidt came and presented updates for the Public Works Department which included cattle guard foundation installed at the Belvidere cemetery and pad for the fuel tank and containment at the shop in Belvidere, hauling sand and blading this week, trimming trees new week, build up on M St. from 183 to 25th Ave and R St. from 183 to 25th Ave, looking into purchasing a Snorkel ATB46N Boom lift or a Genie S-60 to be used at the shop and could be used for multiple reasons, 2 quotes from Foley for a new 952-12 track loader in the amount of $251,604.87 with a construction package and $290,106.63 with a waste package. He would be leasing the new loader. And informed them the old loader would cost around $60k to get it back running but could be looking to see if they would trade in as well. He will work on getting lease agreements together and come back.
Kristi Cooper presented a payroll change for S McVey(merit) for approval in Chay’s absence. After review of the change Bert moved to approve the merit increase and John seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Theron McKinney came to discuss a countywide fire ban and explained how they have done it in the past and suggested to revise the process which would allow him to call for the ban and not to have to go through the approval of the commissioners and they agreed. Chay will look into creating a resolution and report back at the next meeting. Next, he presented the revised application for emergency vehicle lighting and explained how that process worked. After some discussion they decided to only allow officers to be able to have emergency lighting on their personal vehicles at their own expense and Chay presented resolution 2022-4 regarding emergency lights on vehicles for volunteer firefighters. Bert moved to adopt the resolution presented and John seconded, motion passed unanimously. Last they discussed the appointment as Fire Chief. After some discussion and acceptance of the appointment by Theron, Bert moved to appoint Theron and David seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Diane Thompson with Haviland Broadband came to give some updates on the Broadband Acceleration Grant (BAG) through Kansas Office of Broadband Development and Kansas Department of Transportation and ReConnect federal grant through USDA. She informed them how Haviland Broadband has been active in improving broadband in their serving area which includes completing fiber connection in the City of Haviland, adding small fiber extension in southeast Greensburg and they have high level and explained how the grants work and how they will provide service for residents and asks for county assistance in a in-kind match by waiving fees collected by Public Works. The discussion was tabled till the next meeting.
Kiowa County Historical Society came to discuss the replacement of the round barn roof with the assistance from the County. Terry Butler and Norval Ralstin informed them that they had been working with a historical restoration company on what they should do to replace the roof and that they have received three bids for the project and the lowest bid is in the amount of $53,000 and explained that they also go quotes for more repairs that needs to be done as well. After some discussion it was by consensus to spend up to $45,000 and asks them to include increases in their next budget requests to allow for future expenses needed for the barn. They will work on getting a formal bid and report back.
Matt Christenson came to give updates on the APRA funding and renewal of backup software from SHI in the amount of $1443.20 and it was by consensus to allow him to purchase the software needed.
David adjourned the regular meeting and called the Board of Health(BOH) meeting to session. Kerri Ulrich came to give updates for Public Health which included WIC and Family planning training tomorrow, low testing supplies, quarantine requirement changes. David closed the BOH and called the regular meeting to order.
Julie Lyon came to give some updates regarding economic development and to inform them how the daycare project is going.
Break till 11:16
Meeting adjourned at 11:21.
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