Commissioner Minutes
February 16, 2021
Meeting held at the County Community Center Building
February 16, 2021
John Bertram, David White, Bert Lowery, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, Kerri Ulrich, Jay Schmidt, Dee J McMurry, Rosa Hettinger, Bruce Foster, Morgan Allison, Susan Page, Kendal Lothman, Matt Christenson and Kelly Askew attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda and Commissioner minutes of 01/06/21.
After the pledge of allegiance, John opened the meeting at 9:00. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
John adjourned the regular meeting at 9:02 and the called the Board of Health(BOH) meeting to order. Kerri Ulrich, County Health officer came to give updates which included downward trend in cases, Covid clinic schedules, doses administered to date, change from KDHE regarding quarantine after they receive their second dose and survey results from the PODs. John adjourned the BOH and called the regular meeting to order. John moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss employee relations for non-elected personnel at 9:15 and Bert seconded, motion, carried 3-0. Regular session began at 9:25 with no action taken.
Jay Schmidt came to give updates for the public works departments which included road maintenance updates, M23 brake recall and payroll change for R Lothman(merit). After review of the payroll change Bert moved to accept the change and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Bruce Foster came to present the annual noxious weed report for signatures.
Rosa Hettinger came to continue the discussion on purchasing a new ambulance and where the funds could be used from. David asks if she had a vehicle and equipment replacement schedule and she explained that it is hard for her to do that due to the use of the other ambulances. She explained the replacement of the monitors were not planned due to a recall which forced them to purchase new monitors. They discussed options of usable funds to go towards the purchase. USD 474 will allow them to store the ambulance in their school garage since they had to find a new location due to a new fire truck for the current station the truck is in. She will put a list of replacement equipment and report back at the next meeting.
Break called for 5 minutes till 10:04.
Dee J McMurry came to discuss how tax corrections are established and how he makes those changes and how they are processed.
Kelly Askew came to introduce herself as the new librarian for Kiowa County and wanted to inform them of a new leak in the building that cause some damages to the interior wall and books. Matt reported that an adjuster will be out tomorrow to look at the damages and mitigate from future damages. He will report back when he knows more on the situation from the adjuster.
Matt Christenson came to discuss changes to the pay plan and went of the changes with the commissioners which included removing the cap on the pay ranges, changes from a percentage raise to a flat rate raise. David asked about the maintenance agreement they pay to Foley. Matt informed them that he is getting a different quote.
Kendal Lothman came to give updates for the Sheriff office which included updates to the water systems in the Sheriff office and payroll change for R Tedder. After review of the payroll change, John moved to approve the change as presented and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, he presented quotes from BestWater for SWK for a reverse osmosis system in the amount of $3675 and water softener system in the amount of $4875. He explained that they have had issues with hard water which has caused multiple issues in the building and that this would eliminate future issues. Also added that he would be leasing a new dishwasher which includes all chemicals and maintenance would be included in the lease since the old one was taken out, but he would come back when the get these two systems installed for approval of a lease dishwasher. Bert moved to approve the quotes from BestWater to come out of the Special Equipment and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Last he wanted to inform them that Ray is working on getting a heater proposal at the head house since they had issues with the fire repeater on the S.O tower.
Break called till 11:19.
Kristi Cooper presented signature cards for Haviland State Bank and Peoples Bank for the Commissioners to sign. Also presented was payroll and account payable reports to be signed as well. Next, she advised them their next meeting will be February 26th.
David requests a 15-minute executive session for non-elected to discuss employee relations regarding wages and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 11:39 with no action taken. Dave moved to go back into executive session for non-elected personnel to discuss employee relations for 10 minutes and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 11:49 with no action taken.
Meeting adjourned at 11:50.
Commissioner Minutes
February 1, 2021
John Bertram, David White, Bert Lowery, Kristi Cooper, Karen Butler and Chay Howard attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda and Commissioner minutes of 01/29/21.
After the pledge of allegiance John Bertram opened the meeting at 9:00. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda with additions as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Jay Schmidt came to give updates for the Public Works departments which included; payroll change J Williams(merit), mining safety class coming up for CDL licenses, road maintenance, employee status.
Michael Rainger came to give an introduction of his business for Eco friendly technology called Brighter Communities to help with energy savings and gave a quick overview of what he does.
Break till 9:24. John called the meeting back to order.
Kerri Ulrich came to give updates for COVID-19 which included; vaccines, distribution of the vaccines, POD(point of distribution) vaccine clinic. John adjourned the BOH and called the regular meeting to order.
Matt Christenson came to give updates which included; IT improvements, update to courthouse security cameras, update to the overall network core switch update for the courthouse and sheriff office and firewall update. He will report back with more firm numbers once those come in.
Break called till 10:03
Kristi Cooper presented payroll change for J Williams(merit) for approval. Bert moved to approve the payroll change as presented and David seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, she presented reports for a special AP for truck fires from War time finds in the amount of $5900 for approval, Bert moved to approve the AP reports and David seconded, motion carried 3-0. Last she presented the signature cards for the banks to collect all the signatures of the authorized signers on the County accounts. Next meeting will be held on February 16th and that the Courthouse will be closed on the February 15th in observance of Presidents Day.
Chay Howard requests an executive session for non-elected personnel to discuss attorney client privileges for 5 minutes. Bert moved to go into executive session as stated above to include Chay and Kristi at 10:15 and David seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session 10:20 with no action taken.
During Commissioner discussion David wanted to discuss purchasing speakers for the Community center due to the facility being used for weddings, meetings and 4-H that could be rented. Next, David request an executive session for non-elected personnel to discuss employee relations at 10:34 and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began with no action taken. David requested another 20-minute employee relations for non-elected personal for employee performance at 10:36 and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 10:56 with no action taken. They request to have the hourly supervisors to come at the first meeting in March to discuss wages and possible merit increase. They tabled the discussion on Elected official raises until after they meet with the other supervisors in March.
Meeting adjourned at 11:16.
Commissioner Minutes
January 29, 2021
John Bertram(absent), David White, Bert Lowery, Kristi Cooper, Karen Butler and Chay Howard attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll reports, Accounts Payable reports and Commissioner minutes of 01/19/21.
After prayer given by Tony Factor and the pledge of allegiance David White opened the meeting at 9:00 in John Bertram’s absence. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda with the corrections to the agenda as presented and David seconded, motion carried 2-0. Bert moved to approve the payroll and AP as presented and David seconded, motion carried 2-0. David moved to accept the minutes of 1/19 and Bert seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Karen Butler came to discuss the purchasing of 3 books for the Register of Deeds in the amount of $2474 which will come out of the tech fund. Bert moved to approve the purchase of the books and David seconded, motion carried 2-0. Bert asked how long do these books last and Karen informed them that since she has been in office since 2012 that she hasn’t had to purchase any till now.
Kristi Cooper presented payroll changes for R Walker(separation) for approval. After review of the pay change Bert moved to approve the change as presented and David seconded, motion carried 2-0. Next, she presented tax corrections for approval. After review of the corrections Bert moved to approve the tax corrections and David seconded, motion carried 2-0. David asked to have someone from the appraiser office to present these in the future for any questions they may have. Kristi will let them know.
David White moved to go into executive session for non-elected personnel to discuss employee relations for 15 minutes at 9:17 to include the Kristi and Chay and Bert seconded, motion carried 2-0. Regular session began at 9:32 with no action taken. Bert Lowery moved to go back into an executive session for 15 more minutes at 9:33 to discuss employee relations for non-elected personnel and Bert seconded, motion carried 2-0. Regular session began at 9:48 with no action taken.
During Commissioner discussion they discussed the following; use of County right away policies, business insurance coverages and health insurance premiums.
Meeting adjourned at 10:23.
Commissioner Minutes
January 19, 2021
Meeting held at the County Community Center Building
January 19, 2021
John Bertram, David White, Bert Lowery, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, Kerri Ulrich, Jay Schmidt, Ron Freeman, Susan Page, Morgan Allison, Grant Neuhold, Cody Sherer, Kendal Lothman and Clay Parkin attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda and Commissioner minutes of 01/06/21.
After prayer given by Tony Factor, John opened the meeting at 9:00. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and David seconded, motion carried 3-0.
John adjourned the regular meeting at 9:02 and the called the Board of Health(BOH) meeting to order. Kerri Ulrich, County Health officer came to give updates which included; B.1.7 variant strain, vaccine rollout plan, phase 2 to rollout at the end of January/beginning of February, continuing the mask mandate to stay in place till the end of May, $5000 grant received from Sunflower for salary support for staff and contract trace, 2020 account write off accounts, CPR training scheduled on January 28th. John adjourned the BOH and called the regular meeting to order. John moved to discontinue the mask madidate, motion died to no second.
Jay Schmidt came to give updates for the public works departments which included; road maintenance updates, shoulder work on Brenham blacktop and payroll change for R Hohl (new hire). After review of the payroll change Bert moved to accept the change and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Susan Page and Morgan Allison came to introduce themselves and start an open line of communication with the hospital and board of Commissioners. They will come on a monthly basis as they move forward with the transition.
Grant Neuhold came to discuss a board appointment for the Economic Development board. He asked them to appoint Kristy Zenger to the board. David moved to approve the appointment and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Cody Sherer came to discuss fitting truck #542 with a new bed. He explained he received 2 quotes from Emergency Fire Equipment in the amount of $49,109.77 and Weis Fire & Safety Equipment in the amount of $58,000, tire quote from War Time Finds for 4 tires in the amount of $5900. Bert moved to approve the purchase from Emergency Fire Equipment and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, he asked for approval of the tires and explained he was only able to get one quote due to the type of vehicle it goes on. Bert moved to approve the purchase of the tires and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Kerri Ulrich came back to present a payroll change for J Swart(wage change) for approval. John moved to approve the payroll change as presented and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
After break John called the meeting back to order at 10:00.
Kristi Cooper presented payroll changes for S McVey(merit) and C Erickson(separation) for approval. After review of the payroll changes Bert moved to approve them as presented and David seconded motion carried 3-0.
Bert Lowery moved to go into executive session for non-elected personnel to discuss employee relations for 15 minutes at 10:06 to include Kristi and Ron Freeman and David seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 10:21 with no action taken. David moved to go back into executive session for 10 more minutes at 10:22 to discuss non-elected employee personnel and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 10:32 with no action taken.
Kendal Lothman came to give updates for the Sheriff office which included vehicles and employees. Also gave an update on the situation regarding Deputy Jeremy Rodriguez and informed them that he has been put on unpaid administrative leave.
Meeting adjourned at 10:54.
Commissioner Minutes
January 4, 2021
Kiowa County Community Center
January 4, 2021
Ronald Freeman, John Bertram, Bert Lowery, Chay Howard, Kristi Cooper and David White attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda and commissioner minutes of 12/30
After the pledge of allegiance, Ron opened the meeting at 9:00. John moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and Ron seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Kristi Cooper presented a resolution 2021-1 and 2021-2 for approval. Bert moved to adopt resolutions as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, she presented payroll changes for C Parkin(department change) and S Beltz(merit) for approval. John moved to approve the payroll changes as presented and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. The next meeting will be on January 19th she informed them due to being closed to observe Martin Luther King Day.
During Commissioner discussion John presented a plaque to Ron for his 12 years of service as County Commissioner.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10
Commissioner Minutes
December 30, 2020
Kiowa County Community Center
December 30, 2020
Ronald Freeman, John Bertram Bert Lowery(absent), Kristi Cooper, Jay Schmidt, Jeff Blackburn, Shelly Wadel, David White and Rosa Hettinger attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda and commissioner minutes of 12/21
After the prayer given by Jeff Blackburn, Ron opened the meeting at 9:00. John moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Jay Schmidt came to give updates for public works departments which included; speed limit signs posted on South Oak and Mockingbird lane, 100 cutting edges for graders quotes from Welborn $13,676 Foley $13,646 and Byram Blades $14,700, paying for the new dodge pickup to Lopp Motors. After some discussion on the blades it was by consensus to try to keep the business local and buy them from Bryam Blades in the amount of $14,700. Next, John moved to post 4 30 mph signs on the two roads mentioned and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. Last it was by consensus to go ahead and pay for the truck from Lopp Motors.
Shelly Wadel came to request to transfer $6000 from the District Court budget to go into the Special Equipment fund for District Court for microfilming. Ron moved to allow the transfer and John seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Rosa Hettinger came to discuss year end transfer in the amount of $23,194.51 to the Ambulance Special Equipment fund. John moved to approve the transfer and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Kristi Cooper presented an appointment letter for the Council on Aging board for appointment for Harry Koehn. John moved to appoint Harry Koehn to the Council on Aging board and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. She also requested them to allow a transfer $10,000 from the Community Center fund into the Special Equipment fund for the Community Center that would go towards the purchase of tables and chairs. And informed them that this transfer is separate from the one Matt requested at the last meeting. Ron moved to allow to transfer and John seconded, motion carried 2-0. Next, she requested a transfer from the Election budget of $15,000 to go into the Special Equipment fund to be used for election equipment such as new electronic poll pads. John moved to allow $15,000 and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. Last she presented payroll changes for A Taylor(merit), R Freeman(separation), C Tedder(separation), K Lothman(new hire) and D White(new hire) for approval. She explained the elected payroll changes would be effective January 11th. After review of the payroll changes Ron moved to approve them as presented and John seconded, motion carried 2-0.
During Commissioner discussion they discussed a purchase of a camera and after looking into the vouchers, Kristi explained that it was for the camera that they purchased from the Kiowa County Media Center that they currently use and that there was a delay in the invoice from them. Also, they discussed looking into microphones so the audience that is watching the stream can hear since they had concerns of people saying that they could not hear the meetings very well. Kristi will reach out to Grant and report back.
Meeting adjourned at 9:42
Commissioner Minutes
December 21, 2020
Kiowa County Community Center
December 21, 2020
Ronald Freeman, John Bertram Bert Lowery, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, Jay Schmidt, Kerri Ulrich, Jeff Blackburn and Matt Christenson and Rhonda Fernandez attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda and commissioner minutes of 12/07
After the prayer given by Jeff Blackburn, Ron opened the meeting at 9:00. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and John seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Ron adjourned the regular meeting and called the BOH meeting to order. Kerri Ulrich came to discuss updates for Board of Health(BOH) which included; COVID case totals, copy of the antibody testing procedure, vaccine arriving in the next couple weeks, explained the difference in the vaccines for Pfizer and Moderna, payroll changes N Zadina & P Fuller(merit). Ron adjourned the BOH and called the regular meeting to order. After review of the payroll changes Bert moved to approve the payroll changes as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Jay Schmidt came to give updates for public works departments which included; lease agreement for signatures on the new 2021 Caterpillar 140-15AWD motor grader, encumber funds from R&B fund and move the funds into the Special R&B equipment fund in the amount of $145,000 to pay for lease agreement on the M-29 grader payments. Bert moved to approve the encumbrance of funds and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Matt Christenson came to discuss transfer of funds in the amount of $4179.64 from the Community Center fund to go towards repairs to the generator at the Community Center. Bert moved to approve the transfer and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, he requests to transfer $25,000 from Courthouse General to the General Special equipment fund to go towards the purchase of a different used truck for maintenance. John moved to approve the transfer and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Kristi Cooper presented payroll changes for J Scarbrough(separation), T Neill(merit), C McElroy(merit) for approval. After review of the payroll changes Ron moved to approve them as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, she presented a voucher from Decker Electric and explained that the District Court will be getting some updates to their audio system and that they will be paid with Cares Act funds that they received from the state, but the county will pay for the service upfront and be reimbursed. This project must be completed by the end of the year to be eligible for reimbursement from the state. Bert moved to approve voucher as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. She will run a special AP and bring the reports to the next meeting. Last she wanted to discuss the employer paid leave regarding the Families first Coronavirus response act. She explained currently when an employee is quarantined, they are paid 100% of their wages up to a 2-week period for 80 hours and that this ends on December 31st and asks what they would like to do moving forward. After some discussion John moved to pay any employee who is quarantined 100% of their wages up to 2-week period for 80 hours per occurrence and Ron seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Matt Christenson came to discuss final distribution of the spark grant. Krista was present for the discussion regarding the funds that was allocated for the Sheriff office. He explained that expense would not be covered in the Cares Act funds due to the project would not be completed in the year we received the funds and that they would have to pay for that out of their regular budget. The funds that was allocated was $9997 and those funds have now been allocated to USD 422 to help with COVID related expenses.
Break called till 10:06
Rhonda Fernandez came to give a review of 2020 BlueCross & BlueShield reports.
John left the meeting.
Break called till 11 till County Attorney could arrive.
Chay Howard presented a letter he had received from the attorney for hospital board of trustees regarding the ambulance service agreement again, so Ron was aware of what was going on with the transition for a consent letter to assign the existing agreement for the ambulance service over to the Kiowa County Memorial Hospital. Next, he presented a resolution 2020-20 regarding two properties owned by Great Plains that will be conveyed to the county to be held for use by the hospital. Bert moved to adopt Resolution 2020-21 and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. Next, he requested an executive session for 15 sessions for non-elected personal regarding employee relations. Bert moved to go into executive session and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. Regular session began at 11:27 with no action taken. Bert moved to go back in for another 10 minutes and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. Regular session began at 11:37 no action taken. Bert requested to go back in for another 10 minutes for non-elected personnel and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. Regular session began at 11:47 with no action taken.
During Commissioner discussion there was no topics discussed.
Meeting adjourned at 11:51
Commissioner Minutes
December 7, 2020
Kiowa County Community Center
December 7, 2020
Ronald Freeman(absent), John Bertram Bert Lowery, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, Jay Schmidt, Jeff Blackburn and Rosa Spainhour attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda and commissioner minutes of 11/30
After the prayer given by Jeff Blackburn, John opened the meeting at 9:00. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and John seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Jay Schmidt came to give updates for public works departments which included; new grader arrived last Monday, snow removal, new Dodge pickup arriving anytime, shoulder work on West side of Brenham blacktop completed and started on the East side and will finish that up soon.
Kristi Cooper presented a payroll change from the Sheriff office for J Swart(termination) for approval. After review of the payroll change Bert moved to approve the payroll change as presented and John seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Chay Howard presented a letter he had received from the attorney for hospital board of trustees regarding the ambulance service agreement. He explained the letter was a consent to assign the existing agreement for the ambulance service over to the Kiowa County Memorial Hospital. This was tabled due to the chairman being absent. Next, he presented a resolution in regard to two properties owned by Great Plains that will be conveyed to the county to be held for use by the hospital. This was tabled till the next meeting as well, but he wanted to inform them of these two changes that would need to be done by the end of the year.
Break was called for 5 minutes.
Rosa Spainhour came to discuss an estimated quote from Osage on purchasing a new ambulance in the amount of $110,000 with an estimated trade in of $8000. She is hoping to get an actual quote by the end of the year and report back.
During Commissioner discussion there was no topics discussed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:24
Commissioner Minutes
November 20, 2020
Community Center
November 20, 2020
Bert Lowery, John Bertram (via phone), Ronald Freeman, Shelly Tuttle, Chay Howard, Kerri Ulrich, Nicole Zadina, Aaron Webb, Matt Christenson, Richard McVey, Kristi Cooper, Karen Butler, Shawn Cannon, Dave White, Tony Factor and Stacy Barnes attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda
Ron called the special meeting to order at 3:30 at the Community Center. Kerri Ulrich and Nicole Zadina came to discuss Executive Order No. 20-68, Establishing a face coverings protocol. The order will go into effect at 12:01 am on Wednesday, November 25, 2020 and shall remain in effect until rescinded or until mid-January when they meet again to discuss other options.
Kerri presented Resolution 2020-19, providing for less stringent requirements for Kiowa County than the provisions of the Governor’s Executive Order 20-68. After review of the Resolution as presented, Bert moved to adopt the resolution and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-1(John opposed).
Meeting adjourned at 4:06.
Commissioner Minutes
November 16, 2020
Kiowa County Community Center
November 16, 2020
Ronald Freeman, John Bertram Bert Lowery, Kristi Cooper, Jay Schmidt, Kerri Ulrich, Jeff Blackburn, Ann Dixson and David White attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda and commissioner minutes of 10/30.
After the prayer given by Jeff Blackburn, Ron opened the meeting at 9:00. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Kerri Ulrich came for the Board of Health(BOH). Ron adjourned the meeting and called the BOH meeting to order. She came to give updates for COVID-19 update and department updates which included; Covid-19 case totals, hearing/vision checks completed for the 4 schools, 579 flu shots given, office schedules changed due to volume of case and contacts, isolation/quarantine letters being sent to every person they are notified of being tested or being a contact to a positive, new Kansas unified testing strategy regarding testing with one of the symptoms of Covid. Kerri requested an executive session for employee relations for 10 minutes. Bert moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes for employee relations at 9:21 and to include Dave White and the Clerk and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular of BOH session began at 9:31 and Bert moved to go back into executive session for 10 more minutes at 9:32 and Ron seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 9:42. Ron called adjourned the BOH meeting and called the regular meeting to order and Bert moved to approve to pay hazard-pay to the 4 employees in the health department till the end of the year at the rate of time and a half and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. This will go into effective today till December 31st.
Jay Schmidt came to give updates for the Public Works departments which included; payroll changes M Allsbury(merit), C Tuttle(department change), D Liggett(department change), Brenham blacktop project completed and shoulder work to start this week, hauling caliche and building the intersection and road up on G St. and 45th Ave, update on the Railroad crossing at 47th Ave. Ron moved to approve the payroll changes as presented and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Ann Dixson came to give updates on the MT Liggett Art project in Mullinville and informed them of what some of the upcoming events that will be held there. She asked for the Commissioners to show support to the project by submitting a support letter from the County that helps the 547 Art Center to apply for grants to assist with the project and asked if they would match the donation, they received to help fund the project. It was by consensus to have the County Clerk draw up a support letter but that they were not able to full fill her request for financial assistance and that they could make any decisions on giving funds until next during the budget workshop.
Kristi Cooper presented payroll change for K Charlton(merit) and R Tedder(position change) for approval. After review of the payroll changes Bert moved to approve it as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0
Jay Schmidt came back and presented an agreement with Kirkham & Michael for engineering services for Biennial bridge inspections for approval. The inspection fee is $97.50 for 73 bridges in the amount of $7117.50. After review of the inspection agreement, Bert moved to approve the agreement with Kirkham & Michael as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Matt Christenson came to go present a review of the engineer report from PEC on the Courthouse. He reported that they were no safety concerns but to keep monitoring the settling of the foundation. Matt suggested we look at the existing cistron on the south side of the courthouse and determine if that is something that we need to keep or not. Matt is looking into eliminating that feature since it isn’t being utilized for the purpose it was put in for. It was by consensus to stop using it and to move forward to a solution in a way to deter water from the foundation in that area either. He will report back when he gets quotes on that.
Break was called for 5 minutes.
Matt continued with the presentation of a summary of funds from the Cares Act for distribution amounts that was given to local businesses. He went through the 17 applications and explained in detail in the amount of funds that were initially applied for and to the amount that was approved by the advisory board. The total amount that was applied for was $274,776.23 and $189,550.00 was paid out to the applicants.
During Commissioner discussion there was no topics discussed.
Meeting adjourned at 11.07