Commissioner Minutes
October 5, 2021 Special Meeting
Kiowa County Commissioners Special Meeting
October 5, 2021
John Bertram, David White, Bert Lowery, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, Julie Lyon, Mark Clodfelter, Scott Brown, Stacey Barnes, Paul Unruh, Casey Gamble, Jay Schmidt, Diane Thompson, Don DeVries, Casey DeVries, Andy Kimble, Richard McVey, Roger Stotts and Matt Christenson attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda
John Bertram called the Special meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda and David seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Scott Brown introduced Don and Casey DeVries from Morning Stars dairy farm and gave a quick introduction as they are looking in the area to start a dairy farm which would work with the Hilmar cheese factory coming into Ford County. Multiple individuals spoke on half of their entities and gave a quick introduction on what they have to offer if they choose Kiowa County for the future site of a dairy farm.
Meeting adjourned at 7:59.
Commissioner Minutes
October 4, 2021
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
October 4, 2021
John Bertram, David White, Bert Lowery, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, Jay Schmidt, Eric Buck and Jeff Blackburn attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda and Commissioner minutes of 09/30/21.
After the prayer given by Jeff Blackburn, John opened the meeting at 9:00. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and David seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Jay Schmidt came and presented updates for the Public Works Department which included payroll changes for C Erickson(separation) and B Brown(separation), City of Mullinville needing assistance on road grading, County Solid Waste Management Committee meeting updates were presented, Resolution 2021-9 presented for adopting the annual review, concrete bid on Cottonwood St in Haviland, cattle guard install by Belvidere cemetery, road work on D5 St. and F St. will be closed till work is completed, looking into purchasing 2 freightliner M2 dump trucks listed on Purple Wave. After review of the payroll changes, Bert moved to approve them as presented and David seconded, motion passed unanimously. Bert moved to adopt resolution 2021-9 adopting the solid waste plan and John seconded, motion passed unanimously. John read the bid from Pueblo concrete for the cottonwood St in the amount of $15,680. David moved to accept the bid as presented and John seconded, motion passed unanimously. Bert abstained from the vote. Bert moved to install a standard cattle guard into the entrance of the ranch by Belvidere cemetery and David seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Eric Buck, County ambulance director came to inform them of some personnel and how he can provide ALS coverage 24 hours and working with the nursing department for more coverage for them as well.
During Commissioner discussion they continued the discussion regarding joining the Kansas Natural Resources Coalition, tabled till next meeting so David could review the information thoroughly.
Meeting adjourned at 10:09.
Commissioner Minutes
September 30, 2021
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
September 30, 2021
John Bertram, David White(absent), Bert Lowery, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, Jim Daily, Tracey Barton, Brenda Osborne and Matt Christenson attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll reports, Accounts Payable reports and Commissioner minutes of 09/20/21.
After the pledge of allegiance, John Bertram opened the meeting at 9:00. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and John seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Jim Daily and Tracey Barton with Kansas Natural Resource Coalition to give updates on the lesser prairie chicken and rails for trails and came to ask the Commissioners to consider being part of the organization again. It was tabled till David is present before making any decisions.
Jay Schmidt came to give updates for the Public Works department which included payroll change C Beall(yearly merit), patched blacktops, M20 updates on parts and labor from CAT, bridge repairs and new signs posted, posted additional stop signs North of Haviland between 49th Ave, B St. and C St. and 25th Ave and B St North of Greensburg and open range continued discussion. After review Bert moved to approve the payroll change as presented and John seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Matt Christenson came to present quotes for the test server platform. And explained that only one supplier can provide all supplies for the project, so he asks them to consider SHI per his recommendation so that away he can order everything through one vender. Bert moved to approve the bid from Shi $4312.18 and John seconded, motion passed unanimously. Updated that he has received half the equipment for updating the network.
Brenda Osborne presented a payroll change for M Brown(yearly merit) for approval. After review Bert moved to approve the payroll change as presented and John seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Kristi Cooper presented payroll changes for M Tuttle(yearly merit & election pay increase)for approval. After review Bert moved to accept the payroll changes as presented and John seconded, motion passed unanimously.
No topics during Commissioner discussion
Meeting adjourned at 9:37