Commissioner Minutes
May 31, 2018
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
May 31, 2018
Ronald Freeman, John Unruh, Bert Lowery, Chay Howard, Kristi Cooper, Matt Christenson, Travis Payne, Richard McVey, Tim Tyree, Dennis McKinney and Scott Brown attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll reports, Accounts Payable reports and Commissioner minutes of 05/21.
After the pledge of allegiance, Ron opened the meeting. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Travis Payne came forward to give updates for R&B. Scott street project delayed due to the holiday till this week. Quotes on Grant street will need to be rebid due to prices of oil went up from last year when the bid was turned in. Travis did inform them that he will honor the figures on the quote for Scott street. He then presented payroll changes for S Peters (merit increase) and C Erikson (merit increase) for approval. After review of the payroll changes Bert moved to approve the changes and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Last he presented a payroll change for D Liggett to move the chemical applicator position to grade scale 12 and explained that he is shared between 2 departments and that his wage is not in the pay range for that grade. John moved to change the pay grade for chemical applicator from grade 11 to grade 12 and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. The clerk presented the only bid for the scrub seal and asphalt work on 11th Ave from Heft & Sons to the chairman for review. Ron read the bids that were presented for a scrub seal on 11th Ave for 5.6 miles and K street for 3.9 miles in the amount of $318,793.80 and 5 miles of paving on 11th Ave in the amount of $464,640. Discussion tabled till commissioner discussion and asked Travis to come back.
Scott Brown, Tim Tyree and Dennis McKinney came from Kiowa County United board (KCU) to discuss economic development for Kiowa County and affordable housing. They explained that they would like to see affordable housing for residents and explained they had interest in the lots north of R&B facility on Grove street since they had previously when used for a trailer park temporarily several years ago and would like to put in a mobile home park. They informed them that they have been in contact with the city officials and they are open to the idea and are willing to work with them. It was by consensus to donate the lots to the Kiowa County United contingent to them being able to follow codes with the city. They will come back when they can get more of the details worked out and settled with the City of Greensburg.
Matt Christenson came to present the yearly renewal maintenance agreement from Foley for our generator at the Courthouse in the amount of $1,075.35. After review of the agreement John moved to approve the agreement and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next he presented a yearly renewal maintenance agreement for the generator at the fairgrounds from Foley in the amount of $683.20 John moved to approve the contract from Foley and Bert seconded motion carried 3-0. Last he presented the revised Pay Plan for approval which included some new job positions, adjusted merit increase percentage and pay grade scale changes. He asked them to review this and at the next meeting to approve the new updated Pay Plan to include all the changes.
Break was called at 9:57
Chay Howard presented a payroll change for C Cantrall (reclassification) he explained that he changed the pay grade for that position from 11 to 13 and change the name from legal assistant to office manager due to the responsibility for the job and he presented a payroll change for A McVey (new hire) for the summer. Commissioners asked him to create a job description for that position to be used when it is needed. Bert moved to approve the payroll changes and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Kristi presented a payroll change for M Tedder (merit increase) for approval. Bert moved to approve the payroll change and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, she presented tax corrections for approval. After review of the tax corrections Bert moved to approve them and Ron seconded, motion carried 3-0. Last she presented new bank signature cards for their signatures.
During Commissioner discussion Chay wanted to talk about what they wanted to do about the Ambulance contract and suggested he would like to make changes, but no decision was made. They asked to have Rosa to come in and talk to them about coverage when they are on transfers at the next meeting. Next Kristi asked about charging for out of county C&D clarification. It was discussed to start charging more for C&D and dirty concrete. John moved to change the fee for out of county C&D and dirty concrete from $10 to $20 a yard and clean concrete for $10 a yard and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Travis will get this posted and published for the public. Last they looked over the bids from Heft and Sons on the scrub seal and asphalt for 11th Ave. After some discussion John moved to accept the bids on the scrub seal on 11th Ave for $318,793.80 and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Bert moved to approve the bid on asphalt on 11th Ave and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Break called 11:16
Kristi requests a 10-minute executive session for non-elected personnel to discuss employee relations to include Travis and Chay. John moved to go into executive session at 11:17 and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 11:27. John moved to make a change to Policy 301 to make it 5 days to 1 day for the use of EIB time and the motion died due to no second.
Meeting adjourned at 12:02
Commissioner Minutes
May 7, 2018
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
May 7, 2018
Ronald Freeman, John Unruh, Bert Lowery, Chay Howard, Kristi Cooper, Tony Factor, Donna Greenleaf, Andrea Polf, Rick Dalke, Rhonda Fernandez and Matt Christenson attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda and Commissioner minutes of 04/30.
After the prayer by Tony Factor, Ron opened the meeting. Bert moved to approve the additions to the agenda and corrections to minutes as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Chay presented a settlement agreement from Compton Construction Services LLC, GMLV Architecture Inc. and Sinclair Masonry Inc. for approval. After reviewing the agreement John moved to approve the settlement and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Rustin Ardery, Donna Greenleaf, Max Liggett, Jeff Wirth and Josh Adelhardt came from Kiowa County Soil Conservation District and presented their budget request for 2019.
Chay Howard wanted to talk about the contract for the ambulance service. He did mention that he talked with Rosa about some changes she would like to make and Chay informed them if they make changes they will have to work with contract negotiations with Great Plains. No action decided.
Rick Dalke, Tabitha Murski and Terry Mayhew came from ICHD and to give updates and presented their 2019 budget request.
Break till 10:30.
Michelle Yingling from Blue Cross & Blue Shield and Ronda Fernandez with PIC. Rhonda went over figures for BCBS for fully insured for $1,377,530.52 and self-funded for $1,268,006.04. Employee premiums may go up from $60 to $80 and $150 to $200. After much discussion, John moved to go with the self-funded plan with BCBS and to make the slight increase of the employee share as presented and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0
Matt came back to report that the windows leaked at several of our buildings from the storm last week which included the courthouse, commons and community building. Last time they were sealed was 5 years per Matt and he feels that was the issue. He informed them he went ahead and got a quote for a rental of a boom lift in the amount of $1400 from United Rental out of Dodge City for one week so Travis can reseal all the windows at the various locations as stated above. John moved to rent the boom lift in the amount of $1400 and Bert seconded for a week pending on when they can get the sealant in.
Andrea Polf came from Arrowhead West to present their 2019 budget request and gave them updates for the program in Kiowa County.
Kristi Cooper presented a payroll change for T Finch (merit increase) and T Tovar (resignation) for approval. After review of the payroll changes Ron moved to approve the changes and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
During Commissioner discussion Ron brought up the topic of the foreman being allowed to take his work truck home from the previous meeting. After some discussion Bert moved to allow Jay Schmidt to take the work truck home and Ron seconded motion carried 3-0. Next, they discussed the ambulance voucher process and asked if they needed to be involved in the approval of out of state travel and Chay explained as an independent contractor that the county has no authority on the out of state approval unless it is greater than $10,000 per our purchase policy but anything under that will need to be approved by Mary at the hospital. It was by consensus of the Commissioners to have Chay contact Rosa about this change.
Meeting adjourned at 11:26
Commissioner Minutes
April 30, 2018
Ronald Freeman, John Unruh, Bert Lowery, Chay Howard, Kristi Cooper, Terry Mayhew, Travis Payne, Rosa Spainhour, Bob Wetmore, Donna McDonald, Jackie Robinson, Mindy Heinson, and Wade Reh attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll reports, AP reports and Commissioner minutes of 04/02.
After the prayer by Terry Mayhew, Ron opened the meeting. Bert moved to approve the consent with additions to the agenda and minutes as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Travis Payne came forward to give a few updates for R&B. He informed that he will be gone at a conference at the beginning of the next week and that he will not be at the next meeting. He also reported that the new mower is ready. Next, he informed them that some signs were vandalized this weekend around Haviland area, so he has filed report with S.O. and will be taking them down and put new ones up as needed. Payroll changes for S Kost (merit increase) and D Maas (merit increase) were presented for approval. John moved to approve the changes and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Noxious weed department was discussed next and he asked them to allow Bruce to go back to 45 hours a week for the season and after some discussion John moved to allow Bruce to go back to 45 hours a week and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Last he presented a payroll change for J West as the new foreman at the Solid Waste. After review of the payroll change John moved to approve the change and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Travis left the meeting.
John requested a 10-minute executive session for non-elected personnel to discuss employee relations to include Kristi and the County Commissioners at 9:20 and Bert seconded motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 9:30 with no action taken.
Bob Wetmore came with Great Plains Development to give an overview of program and presented information for the 2018 service updates for Kiowa county.
Break at 9:54
Bert left the meeting at 9:54.
Donna and Jackie from Banco came forward to discuss EMC renewal quotes for 2018-2019. Donna went over the changes and explained the increase due to multiple claims. The renewal premium will be $254,568 with a 2% increase. She also informed that the underwriter added an additional quote and explained that some of the properties are under insured and there would be an increase of $6100 to our premium which would get all the property where it needs to be insured for and the total premium would be $260,668. After some discussion Ron suggested to stay with the original quote due to potential budget restraints. John moved to approve EMC renewal quote for $254,568 and Ron seconded motion carried 2-0.
Travis Payne returned.
Travis Payne came forward to ask permission to allow the road foreman to take work vehicle home. Which would allow him to check the roads as needed. Ron is not against it, but John asks to table the discussion till next meeting and get Bert’s input. Last he informed there was some Federal exchange funds left over from last year that he is applying for to go towards the cost of the Haviland blacktop project.
Kristi Cooper presented resolution 2018-7 for approval of the Rural Opportunity Zone program for 2018. She explained that this allows the applicants to receive employer matches. Ron moved to pass Resolution 2018-7 and John seconded, motion carries 2-0.
Wade and Mindy came forward to give quarterly reports for Extension Research. Explained current and upcoming extension activities. Ron asked if they have an idea of what there funding from the K-state will be this year and Wade explained that he doesn’t know exact figures, but they have been told there is a 5% cut in budget and could look at more cuts in the future.
Kristi Cooper presented Payroll changes for S Freeman (separation) and T Libby (new hire) for approval. After review of the payroll changes John moved to approve them as presented and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0.
During Commissioner Discussion Kristi presented one bid for the sealing project at the Commons building from Pueblo Concrete for $4450. John moved to accept the only bid submitted and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Meeting adjourned at 11:26
Commissioner Minutes
April 16, 2018
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
April 16, 2018
Ronald Freeman, John Unruh, Bert Lowery, Chay Howard, Kristi Cooper, Terry Mayhew, Travis Payne, Rosa Spainhour, Matt Christenson and Rhonda Fernandez attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll reports, AP reports and Commissioner minutes of 04/02.
After the prayer by Terry Mayhew, Ron opened the meeting. Bert moved to approve the consent with corrections to the agenda and minutes as presented and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Mitzi Hesser came forward for the Board of Health meeting. Ron adjourned the regular meeting and called the BOH meeting to order. Mitzi presented a poster to say Thank You from everyone signed at the health fair and in formed them that they did 492 blood draws on Saturday and 75 on Friday for the volunteers. She also reported that the Ministerial Alliance used funds from “No one fights alone” to pay for the PSA levels for the men this year. Next, she informed them of the results from the Community Assessment and that she is working Mary Sweet on the results. Ron adjourned the BOH meeting and called the regular meeting to order. Mitzi left the meeting,
Travis Payne came forward to give updates on his departments. He first presented a payroll change for J Adolph (separation). After review of the payroll change John moved to approve and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. He also reported the new loader had been delivered and that he is looking over the applications he had received for Solid Waste Forman and he will start interviews next week. John asked for 15 minutes to include Travis to discuss employee relations for non-elected personnel at 9:20 and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Executive session included Travis, Chay and the Commissioners. They came out of executive session at 9:35 and went back in for an extra 10 minutes and Ron moved for the additional time for the executive session and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Executive session included Travis, Chay and the Commissioners. Regular session began at 9:45 with no action taken.
The Public hearing for the Solid Waste Management review began at 9:45. Clerk handed over the resolution to be adopted per the public hearing. No public attended the hearing. After review of Resolution 2018-6 John moved to adopt the resolution and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. He will send this to the State.
Next Travis asked to change the hours for Bruce and Derry from the Noxious Weed from 40 hours to 45 hours due to the season of spraying has began and after some discussion on the hours John moved to allow Derry to be changed to 45 hours per week and leave Bruce at 40 hours and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. John asked if they had started gopher baiting and if the golf course had been sprayed. Travis explained that they are doing the gopher baiting now and that he is unsure if Bruce has sprayed but he would check and let them know at the next meeting. Bert requested a 10-minute executive session for non-elected personnel to discuss employee relations with Travis at 10:14 and Ron seconded, motion carried 3-0. Executive session included Travis, Chay and the Commissioners. Regular session began at 10:24 with no action taken. Travis left the meeting.
Pat Klecker with Santa Fe Trail Community Corrections came to present 3 grants which included Behavior Health Service grant, Juvenile Comprehensive grant and Adult Comprehensive grant for approval. He informed them bout what each grant is used for in the program. Ron moved to approve all the grants that were presented for signatures and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. He gave a quick review of the programs. Pat left the meeting.
Matt Christenson came forward to discuss the maintenance position. He wanted to make sure before he hired that the position would be still available after the budget workshop. He explained that he didn’t want to hire someone and in 6 months have to let them go due to budget cuts. John requested to have an executive session for non-elected personnel to discuss employee relations at 10:47 and Ron seconded, motion carried 3-0. Executive session included Kristi, Chay and Matt with the Commissioners. Regular session began at 10:57 with no action taken.
Chay Howard came to have a discussion with Gib Compton (Managing Member of Compton Construction). Terry Malone (attorney for Compton Construction), Davis Haynes (Sinclair Masonry VP), Justin Holcomb (Sinclair Masonry VP), Mark McCluggage (GLMV President/CEO), Matt Cortez (GLMV VP). Ken Snow (attorney for GLMV) regarding the roof at the Commons building and the issues we have had with leaks. Chay called for a 30 minutes executive session to discuss matters affecting the financial affairs of private businesses with the individuals listed above and to include Matt Christenson and Kristi Cooper and the County Commissioners. Bert moved for the executive session at 11:00 to discuss financial affairs and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 11:30 with no action taken. Everyone left to discuss options for their company with their legal representatives and would come back after 10 minutes.
Kristi Cooper presented tax corrections for review. After review John moved to approve the tax corrections and Ron seconded, motion carried 3-0. Also presented was a payroll change for J Rugg (merit increase) for review. After review John moved to approve the payroll change and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, she presented Policy 306 Civil Pay with corrections to existing policy and policy 315 Emergency Volunteers. She explained that Policy 315 was created to allow full time employees to respond to emergencies to assist EMS or Fire and be allowed to stay clocked in for their regular scheduled time of work hours and any pay received would be kept by the employee as an inventive for being part of a volunteer emergency service and the correction on the civil pay policy would allow the employee to keep any pay received as fulfilling their civic duty. After review of the policies Bert moved to approve them as presented and Ron seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Chris Tedder came to request a 10-minute executive session regarding employee relations for non-elected personnel. Ron moved for the executive session at 11:44 and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Chris requested Kristi and Chay to stay for the executive session. Regular session began at 11:54 with no action taken.
Chay Howard requested a 5-minute executive session for attorney client privilege discussions with the Commissioners. Bert moved for an executive session to include Chay and Kristi at 11:54 and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 11:59 with no action taken.
Chay Howard requested a 10-minute executive session to discuss matters affecting the financial affairs of private businesses financial affairs with the representatives from Compton Construction, Sinclair Masonry, GMLV, Kristi Cooper, Matt Christenson and the County Commissioners. Bert moved for the executive session at 12:07 and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 12:17. John moved to accept the settlement of $25,000 from Compton Construction and waive any or all responsibility from the Companies involved in the agreement and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Matt will continue to get bids on the sealing of the masonry at the Commons building and ask for specific product to be used.
No topics discussed for Commissioner Discussion.
Meeting adjourned at 12:25
Commissioner Minutes
April 2, 2018
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
April 2, 2018
Ronald Freeman, John Unruh, Bert Lowery, Chay Howard, Kristi Cooper, Terry Mayhew, Travis Payne, Rosa Spainhour, Matt Christenson and Rhonda Fernandez attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda and Commissioner minutes of 03/30.
After the prayer by Terry Mayhew, Ron opened the meeting. John moved to approve the consent agenda with the addition of an executive session for 10 minutes with Travis under this time on the agenda and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Travis Payne came forward to give updates for his departments which included; he is going to run the ad for the supervisor for the Solid Waste for another week or until it is filled. Bert will work with Travis on interviewing applicants. They discussed the rock for the driveway at the fairgrounds and the low spot. Table this till the next meeting until they can get a chance to look at it again. John moved for a 10 minutes executive session for non-elected personnel to discuss employee relations at 9:12 and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 9:22 with no action taken. John moved to go back into executive session for an additional 5 minutes and Bert seconded motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 9:27 with no action taken. Next, they talked about spraying at the golf course due to liability, so John moved to not allow the Noxious weed to spray the golf course. Motion died due to no second. Travis informed them of some upcoming trainings that he will be attending as well and will be gone for that.
Break was called for 5 minutes.
Rhonda Fernandez came forward to discuss utilization summary reports for Benefit Management Inc and Blue Cross and Blue Shield and give updates regarding insurance. She informed them that insurance is going up 3% to 5% with our current plan. They asked her to look at different options such as deductible increases and employee/employer shares. She will work on those and get back with them.
Matt Christenson came forward to discuss scheduling interviews for the maintenance position and John will sit on the interviews.
Break was called for 5 minutes.
Rosa Spainhour came forward to discuss hotel tax exempt and explained that she cannot get hotels to do a tax exempt without a company credit card and so it was by consensus to get a county credit card for the ambulance to use on trips for lodging, meals, etc. Kristi asked her to get with Greg at Peoples Bank to set up her new account.
John moved to 10:40 for 5 minutes. Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. 10:46.
During Commissioner Discussion Kristi Cooper presented information on the Paid Time Off and Extended Illness Bank policy per their request from the last meeting. Kristi explained the policy and how it works for the employees with those hours. Next, they discussed the donating time to employees and Kristi explained the process on that policy as well. Next, they discussed creating a policy for employees that are on a volunteer emergency service to be allowed to respond and remain being paid regular pay up to their regular scheduled hours. And she asked for them to allow them to keep any pay they receive from those services as an incentive. It was by consensus to draw up the policy for the next meeting. Also, she asked to amend policy 301 to allow employees who get called on Jury duty to keep their pay as well and it was by consensus to make that change as well. Kristi will work with Chay to get those drawn up. Last she presented a payroll change for M Brown for a 6-month probation period for review. After review John moved to approve the pay change as presented and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Last they talked about the court lawn and it was by consensus to call Dave Moyer. Dave Moyer was called via phone and they asked him to thatch the lawn before he mows for the first time. Dave agreed to those conditions and he will charge the same as one mowing. Bert mentioned the sealing of the mason at the Commons building need to start getting bids. Ron moved to get bids for that project and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 11:57
Commissioner Minutes
March 30, 2018
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
March 30, 2018
Ronald Freeman, John Unruh, Bert Lowery, Chay Howard, Shelly Fisher, Travis Payne, Rosa Spainhour, Matt Christenson, Chris Tedder attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll/AP reports and Commissioner minutes of 03/19.
After the Pledge of Allegiance, Ron opened the meeting. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and Ron seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Travis Payne came forward and presented the contract for the Federal Funds exchange that was approved at the meeting on March 19, 2018. He explained that by doing the exchange at 75% we do not have to follow KDOT’s specs and have a little more freedom. Next, he told the Commissioners that Nace Farms donated 2 loads of rock to the Community Building and are asking that the County get 2 loads, he would charge $28.98 per ton, 25 tons per load, to help maintain the lot. John asked to table this discussion until the next meeting. They also discussed the drainage between the Barn and the Community building, which they will discuss at greater length at the next meeting. Travis brought in two bids for culverts. One from J & J Drainage for $9775.50 and the other from Welborn Sales for $10263.40, Bert moved to accept the bid from J & J Drainage and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. He also presented information on two different gas monitors for the landfill, one was a smaller, wearable monitor for $595, the other was a larger, handheld monitor for $1300. Bert moved to purchase the smaller, wearable monitor for $595 and John seconded, motion carried 3-0, Travis will purchase RKI Instruments Gas Detection for Life, model GX-2009 from Amazon. Next, they discussed the Kiowa County Solid Waste Management meeting and the next meeting will be an open hearing at the Commissioner’s meeting on April 16th. Travis had a couple of questions for Chay regarding minute taking at the Solid Waste Management meetings. Chay advised that the minutes need to be send out to the board and approved. Other items discussed were using magnets on the roads, road improvements and the purple wave sales.
Break called for 7 minutes.
Chris Tedder came forward with a letter from Frontier Forensics Midwest letting us know that their fees are increasing slightly for autopsy’s. Next, Chris was asked about excessive speed by his Deputy’s through towns to get to calls during hi-traffic and school transport times. Chris informed them that he would address the issue.
Matt Christenson came forward to discuss the bids for mowing for the upcoming season from Dave Moyer and Paul Alvarez. Matt informed the Commissioners that Paul Alvarez called and withdrew his bid. John moved to accept the bid from Dave Moyer and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, Matt told them of an issue with a stuck valve in the main line of our sprinkler system. This is not the first time this has happened and the last time it happened, it caused a high water bill. After some discussion Matt asked if he could get some bids for someone to come out and do an irrigation system directly from the main line and not the cistern.
Shelly presented a tax correction for approval and after review John moved to approve the tax correction and Bert seconded, motion passed 3-0.
During Commissioner Discussion John brought up our Donated Time policy and asked that we put it on the agenda for Monday, April 2, with that they are wanting to discuss the PTO and EIB policy. Chay presented the contract from Hinkle Law that was approved at the March 19th meeting for the Commissioners to sign as he did not have the contract with him at the previous meeting. Next, he informed then that they were finishing up publications for the tax sale. Last they discussed the Commons and the sealing of the masonry. Bert was going to try to make a few phone calls and they will talk about it more at the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 10:42
Commissioner Minutes
March 19, 2018
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
March 19, 2018
Ronald Freeman, John Unruh, Bert Lowery (absent), Kristi Cooper, Tony Factor, Travis Payne, Rosa Spainhour, Matt Christenson, Cody Sherer and Jay Koehn attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll/AP reports and Commissioner minutes of 03/05 & 3/16
After the prayer was given by Tony Factor, Ron opened the meeting. John moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Mitzi came forward for the board of health meeting. Ron adjourned the regular meeting and called the BOH meeting to order. Mitzi gave updates which included; health fair setup, Wic changes, grant application and community assessment meeting tonight. Ron adjourned the BOH and called the regular meeting to order. Mitzi presented a grant application from KDHE for $18,161 for the immunization action plan, public health Emergency Preparedness and State formula. After review of the application John moved to approve the grant application and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Chay Howard wanted to inform the Commissioners of the information he had received from Hinkle Law Firm regarding their legal representation for Kiowa County. He added that the overall cost for them would be around $700. After some discussion John moved to approve the contract with Hinkle Law as legal representation for Kiowa County after more information was provided and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Travis Payne came forward and presented a map for overlays and scrub seals for this season. He also asked if he go ahead and get bids on those two projects and it was by consensus to go ahead. Next, he informed them that he will be working on finishing the Scott Street project from last year and there was discussion on the material to be used and John asked to table this discussion till the next meeting. He also asked them to allow to request to exchange the Federal Funds of $65,588.98 at the rate of 25% and will receive $49,191.74. John moved to approve the exchange of Federal Funds and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. He gave updates on the equipment on purple wave and informed them of some violations they received at the landfill on their annual inspection. They are correcting these violations and he is still working with Kirkham and Michael on the Facility Operating Plan (FOP) for the landfill since it has never been finished.
Break called for 5 minutes.
Rosa came forward and presented a quote on 2 monitors for $64,832.40 from Zoll. She explained after applying for a state grant she was approved for $25,000 and that when applying for the grant she had to give a quote on a specific monitor and so she received three quotes but choose to go with Zoll due to the options for the model. She explained that she will use encumbered funds in the amount of $21,639.06 and she will have a year with no interest to pay the remaining total on the monitors through Zoll. John moved to approve to the purchase and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Cody Sherer came forward to talk about replacing a pump housing on truck 561 in the amount of $1242.60. He explained that he was only able to get one quote due to the lack of parts for that specific truck. John moved to approve the quote and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Matt Christenson came forward to discuss the lighting on the radio tower after inspection of the tower that the lighting system has extensive damage from a lightning strike and that he has filed a claim with EMC and working with them to determine when the damaged occurred and also informed them that is currently out of compliance with FAA regulations for towers of that height and could be subject to fines and penalties and encourage them to go ahead with approval on replacing the lighting system in the amount of $30,978.60 to come out of the equipment fund. After some discussion John moved to approve the new lighting system and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. Next, he presented bids for mowing for the upcoming season from Dave Moyer and Paul Alvarez. The bid request was per location as in the past requests. After looking over the bids John asked to table this discussion till the next meeting when Bert would be present. Last he informed them that he had gotten some good reviews back on Crystal Clean Window Plus that they had requested he get. After some more discussion John moved to hire them to clean the Courthouse and Commons building windows for $1600 and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Jay Koehn came forward to talk to them about buying a new truck for the fire department and he presented quotes from Lanterman $45,341, Kingman Motors $44,747 and Marmies $46,880. Jay explained that Kingman and Marmies are for a 2018 Ford and Lanterman is for a 2019. He also explained that he will get bids on the rest of the setup at a later date and that it will take 3 months to get the vehicle due to high orders. After some more discussion Ron moved to buy from Lanterman and John seconded mc 2-0.
No items were discussed during Commissioner Discussion.
Meeting adjourned at 11:26
Commissioner Minutes
March 16, 2018
Kiowa County Commissioners Special Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
March 16, 2018
Ronald Freeman, John Unruh, Bert Lowery, Kristi Cooper, Ray Stegman, Andrea Taylor and Matt Christenson attended the meeting.
Ron called the special meeting to order at 10:00.
Ray Stegman came forward and presented Resolution 2018-5 for a proclamation of a State of Local Disaster Emergency for Kiowa County from the fire on March 15, 2018. He explained that he is applying for the FMAG Fire Management Assistance Grant to help with cost occurred from the event. After review of the resolution Bert moved to adopt Resolution 2018-5 and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 10:47.
Commissioner Minutes
March 5, 2018
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
March 5, 2018
Ronald Freeman, John Unruh, Bert Lowery, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, Travis Payne, Richard McVey and DJ McMurry attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda and Commissioner minutes of 02/28/18
After the pledge of allegiance, Ron opened the meeting. Kristi asked to make a correction to the minutes of February 28 with adding health department will pay for the health fair. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda with corrections to minutes and amendment to the minutes of February 28 and Ron seconded, motion carried 3-0.
DJ McMurry came to discuss how PUP hearings are handled and informed them that valuation statements have been sent out. John asked about Pratt Well Service bankruptcy and clarification on the case with Hinkle Law Firm. Kristi presented the contact and Chay explained that the County Attorney office hired them due to them not being able to handle the case in a timely manner and explained the fees would be a percentage of the taxes they owed. John requested Chay to see how much we owe as of today and wanted to know what our exact percentage of fees would be if they follow through with this lawsuit. John expressed concerns the attorney fees would be greater than the taxes due and Ron agreed.
Break called for 5 minutes.
Travis came forward to discuss R&B and Solid Waste. First, he talked a little on scales for the landfill but said he would like to hold off on the discussion till he could get more information on several types of scales. Next, John requested a 15-minute executive session for non-elected personnel to discuss employee relations at 10:02 and Ron seconded motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 10:17 with no action taken.
Richard McVey stopped by to say hello and give updates regarding mental health cases.
During Commissioner Discussion Chay reported he spoke with Hinkle Law Firm and had informed them that we would owe 6.5% of their share and that they were unable to let him know what we owe to date due to the billing not completed. Chay is figuring it will around $700 depending if the case goes for a normal amount of time. There was no action taken on the contract with Hinkle Law Firm at this time. Next Chay informed them that he is setting up dates to meet with Compton contractors and GLMV architect and both party’s attorneys to come and visit them regarding the Commons roof. Bert reported he received a call from Ray Stegman regarding the weather tower and that the controller box was damaged due to lighting and that they may have to replace the box. Kristi asked Bert to have Ray file an insurance claim on the tower and that we can go from there pending what the insurance company does. Last Kristi asked Chay to review an easement agreement with CMS from the last meeting and after his review John moved to approve the easement agreement with CMS and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 11:47.