Commissioner Minutes
February 28, 2018
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
February 28, 2018
Ronald Freeman, John Unruh, Bert Lowery, Kristi Cooper, Terry Mayhew, Travis Payne, Rosa Spainhour, Matt Christenson and Chris Tedder attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll/AP reports and Commissioner minutes of 02/20/18
After the prayer was given by Terry Mayhew, Ron opened the meeting. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda with corrections to minutes and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Travis Payne came forward to give updates for his departments. Travis presented a payroll change for R Koehn (retirement) and K Koehn (merit increase) and Bert approved the payroll changes and John seconded, motion carried 3-0. He then presented the final figures for the rental of crusher for $37,281.40 and crushed 10,300 total tons of concrete and saved $39,918.60 overall. Pricing on C&D at the landfill was discussed with no action taken. Travis requested a 5-minute executive session for non-elected personnel to discuss employee relations at 9:17. Bert moved for the executive session and Ron seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began with no action taken, Next Kristi asked per Ron’s request if we have a service agreement on our generator at R&B or Community building and Travis explained that they do the service on the one at R&B and added they could do the one at the fairgrounds and it was by consensus to have them do the services on it. Next Kristi presented the only bid for the bridge project on 53rd and B St from Pueblo Concrete. Bert resends from the discussion as Commissioner. After they reviewed the only bid submitted Ron moved to approve the bid from Pueblo Concrete in the amount of $18,710 and John seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Break called for 5 minutes.
Mike Bushnell came from CMS to request approval of an easement. Discussion was tabled till Chay could review the easement contract.
Rosa Spainhour came forward to inform them that she is going to purchase a portable cooler fan for community events such as County Fair, Safe kid events, 4H day camp and memorial weekend for $1900. Next, she presented information on a new program for active shooting training and they are looking to host it called ALICE.
Chris Tedder came forward to give updates which included vehicles on purple wave and new radios.
Kristi presented a payroll change for S McCann (merit increase) and after review Bert moved to approve the pay change and Ron seconded, motion carried 3-0. Next, she presented a payroll change for K Butler for a salary correction and explained there was an error when figuring her 5% COLA increase from January. After review John moved to approve the corrected payroll change and Bert seconded motion carried 3-0. Last she presented a tax correction for approval and after review Bert moved to approve the correction and Ron seconded, motion carried 3-0. John requested the total amount of tax dollars collected before and after the PUP hearings so far this year from the Treasurer. Kristi will get this information and report back at the next meeting.
Matt Christenson came to give a quote on cleaning the windows at the Courthouse and Commons building and after some discussion they asked him to check into references and report back. Also he informed them that he will be placing an advertisement for a maintenance technician
During Commissioner discussion Kristi presented a contract from Hinkle Law firm for legal counsel for a bankruptcy on Pratt Well Service. Discussion was tabled till they can talk with Chay regarding this.
Meeting adjourned at 12:01
Commissioner Minutes
February 20, 2018
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
February 20, 2018
Ronald Freeman, John Unruh(absent), Bert Lowery, Kristi Cooper, Travis Payne, Mitzi Hesser, Tyler Heinson, Bruce Foster, Stacey Barnes and Grant Neuhold attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll/AP reports and Commissioner minutes of 02/05/18
After the pledge of allegiance, Ron opened the meeting. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. John was absent from meeting.
Ron adjourned regular session and called the board of Health meeting to order. Mitzi gave updates which included, table top meeting in Wichita, community assessment for grants, health fair costs, hiring new environmentalist for Kiowa County. Ron adjourned the BOH meeting and called regular session to order. Mitzi explained that the cost for the blood work has doubled since last year and explained that she would raise the price from $25 to $30 to cover the increase in costs. She asked for a decision on allowing her to pay for County residents out of her budget and that she would not pay rent due to covering the costs, so she could get the notification out to the public. After some discussion Bert moved to have Mitzi pay for all County residents lab results at the Health Fair out of the Health Department fund and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. It was by consensus to have not pay rent and if needed they will look at it later in the year.
Travis Payne came forward to give updates for his departments. Per the Commissioners request from the last meeting he brought a cost comparison for having a service contract with Foley or doing the fluid changes in house. He informed them that each fluid change would cost on an average of $900 for Foley and only $296 for us to do the fluid changes. Which would be close to 60% savings. It was by consensus not to do service agreement with Foley. Next, he discussed putting a barrier fence around the pit at the landfill and presented figures from Superior Fencing. The quote is for (30) 16’ wide X 5’ high panels for $8648.10. He explained the purpose of the fencing and added to the discussion that our operational plan states that we have one and could be written up if one isn’t placed. After some further discussion Bert moved to buy 30 panels from Superior Fence for the pits at the landfill and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. He also added that he is starting to cover some of the pit and will look to seed it this spring.
Break for 5 minutes
Ron asked for a 5-minute executive session at 9:39 for non-elected personnel to discuss employee relations with supervisor Travis Payne and Bert seconded, motion carried 2-0. Regular session began at 9:44 no action taken.
Grant Neuhold and Stacey Barnes came to talk about hosting Kansas Road trip and holding a welcome reception at the Commons. Stacey explained that some of instructors are coming in the night before the event and informed that they are using the Commons building for the reception and that the museum will be open to offer drinks/ice cream and that they would allow them to bring in their own alcohol beverages per the Commissioner approval. After some discussion on concerns, it was by consensus not to have alcohol there unless they can pay for the event insurance that the County insurance company is requesting in the amount of $1 million of liability insurance. They explained they didn’t want to pay for is but asked if they could get a waiver from the individuals would that suffice, and the Clerk will check with our insurance provider and report back.
Break for 5 minutes
Tyler Heinson came to discuss chemical cost from Noxious Weed and wanted clarification on the costs. Bruce Foster and Travis was present for the discussion. Travis presented the last 3 bills for Tyler and explained his costs. Tyler expressed that his confusion was cost shares and explained that he was unsure of the cost but knew it was cheaper than anywhere else. The County sells the chemical at our cost and not shelf price so there is some savings there for the farmers that Travis explained. He also explained that purchasing chemical through Noxious Weed is 100% on the customer share but on must thistle it is 75% on the customer share. Tyler did mention that he isn’t upset on the cost but would like to get a bill as he gets the chemical verses waiting till the end of the year. And Travis mentioned that the cycle of billing has been corrected and this will allow the farmers to pay for their purchase sooner than later. The Commissioners suggest that the cost shares be posted at the office so farmers see this when they come in to order or pay for their bill and ask that it get it the paper to clear up any more confusion on the cost shares.
Kristi Cooper requested for a 5-minute executive session for non-elected personal to discuss employee relations to include Travis Payne. Bert moved for the executive session at 10:33 and Ron seconded motion carried 2-0. Regular session began at 10:38 with no action taken.
Bert moved for an executive session at 10:45 for non-elected personnel for 5 minutes to discuss employee relations and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. Regular session began at 10:50 with no action taken.
Kristi Cooper presented a payroll changes for Scott James (resignation) and Chay Howard (Position change) after review Bert moved to approve the changes and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. Next, she presented a tax correction for approval. After review Ron moved to approve the tax correction and Bert seconded, motion carried 2-0.
During Commissioner discussion Chay informed them that he has heard back from Compton regarding the roof at the commons and feels that they need to invite them to talk about their obligations and they agreed so Chay will contact them and go from there.
Meeting adjourned at 11:27
Commissioner Minutes
February 5, 2018
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
February 5, 2018
Ronald Freeman, John Unruh, Bert Lowery, Kristi Cooper, Travis Payne, Matt Christenson, Chris Tedder, Mary Sweet, Bruce Foster, Cyndee Tuttle, Kyler Ludwig, Raymond Mehl, Terri Mayhew and Rosa Spainhour attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda and Commissioner minutes of 01/31/18
After prayer given by Terry Mayhew, Ron opened the meeting. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Travis Payne came forward for updates for his departments. Travis presented a payroll change for J Williams (merit increase) After review John moved to approve the change and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0. Continued the discussion on the tractor and mower blades. He went over the equipment we currently have and hours on the equipment. He reported that they have 2 open cab tractors that are not being used stored at the landfill. He went over the value of the two tractors and it was by consensus to list them on purple wave to get more money. John expressed concerns on the tax lid coming up with purchasing a new tractor. John moved to purchase the 6135E JD tractor with a 5-year warranty for $72,347 from John Deere and a Falcon 10-foot hydraulic mower deck for $26,732 from Alamo and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Break was called at 9:23
Chris Tedder came to present a report on his expenditure report for 2017 on the Special Law fund per K.S.A 60-4117.
Kristi Cooper asked if they would like to contribute to the Safe Kids program in the amount of $100 and Bert moved to support the Safe Kids program with $100 and John seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Kyler Ludwig came per the Commissioner’s request regarding the airport road with Raymond Mehl engineer of the project and they discussed the road and ditches.
Kristi Cooper continued with clarification on funds for the transfer switch installation at the Community building and it was by consensus to take it out of the building fund.
John left at 10:09
Bruce Foster and Cyndee Tuttle came to present the annual yearend report for Noxious Weed. After review Bert moved to approve the reports and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0.
During Commissioner Discussion Matt came to inform them that he hasn’t heard anything back from the architect from GLMV regarding the Commons roof but will keep trying and if he hadn’t heard anything back that he would get with Chay to draft a letter.
Meeting adjourned at 11:11
Commissioner Minutes
January 16, 2018
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
January 16, 2018
Bert Lowery, John Unruh (absent), Ronald Freeman, Kristi Cooper, Travis Payne, Mitzi Hesser, Rosia Spainhour, Chris Tedder, Debbie Price, Deborah Factor and Chay Howard attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda and Commissioner minutes of 01/02/18
After the pledge of allegiance, Ron opened the meeting. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and Ron seconded motion carried 2-0.
Ron adjourned the Commissioner meeting and called the BOH meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Mitzi came to inform them that the WIC program generated $18,258 in sales at our local grocery store. She also reported that they are about caught up on book work from the flu season and explained that it takes a few months to get it all recorded. Lastly, she wanted to inform them that the Health Fair is scheduled for April 7th and informed them that it cost approximately $8800 last year to pay for all the blood work for all county residents and that she isn’t sure if they will do it again but if they do would they consider lowering her rent for the year to cover that cost and they said they would discuss it and let her know. Ron adjourned the BOH meeting and called regular meeting to order.
Travis Payne came forward for updates for his departments. The Clerk presented his payroll change for his 6-month probation period for approval. She explained after the average of the three evaluations he received a 3.5 % increase. Bert moved to approve the payroll change for Travis and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. Next Travis presented a payroll change for Jerald Schmidt (new hire) for approval. Ron moved to approve the change and Bert seconded, motion carried 2-0. A payroll change was also presented for department changes for Joshua Meitl and Derry Liggett for approval. Ron moved to approve the department chances and Bert seconded, motion carried 2-0. Travis added that the transfer switch has come in for the generator at the Community building and is waiting for Sagebrush to schedule the hook up. He also reported that the old noxious weed truck brought $5300 and the lathe brought $1900 on purple wave. Additionally, he presented information for a membership from National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) to purchase equipment at discount prices and by consensus they agreed to sign up. He wanted to clarify that the purchase for the compactor was discussed at the meeting of September 5, 2017 and it was moved by Ron to take it out of landfill closure fund and Bert moved to transfer $18,000 for solid waste capital outlay to help with the purchase. Next, Chay requested a 5-minute executive session for employee relations to include Travis. Bert moved to go into executive session for 5 minutes to discuss employee relations at 9:26 and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. Regular session began at 9:31 with no action taken.
Debbie Price came to ask about an invoice she had received regarding the fence at the fairgrounds. Bert explained that they agreed to pay for all the remainder supplies for the fence and it was by consensus for the Commissioner’s to pay the invoices out of the Commissioner fund.
Grant Neuhold came to give updates for the Media Center which included the continued growth from the opportunity from hosting conferences for companies, educational training for schools, streaming live events, open community classes twice a week at the media center.
Deb Factor came from Youth Core Ministry Program to inform them of the program they offer the communities called Circles and gave an overview of what the program is about and what it does and asked them to consider funding to help with the program and Bert explained that this would have to be budgeted for and they would look at it in the budget workshop.
Kristi Cooper presented payroll changes for Jennifer Scarbrough (merit increase), Andrea Taylor (merit increase), Zane Martin (part-time) and Jacob Martin (full-time). After review of the payroll changes Bert moved to approve them and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0. She then presented a tax correction for review and after review Ron moved to approve the tax corrections and Bert seconded, motion carried 2-0. Next, she presented quotes on a new copier from Office Solutions and Bolen. She explained that Bolen doesn’t offer as many choices as Office Solutions and that she would like to purchase the same brand that they already have which is a Lanier and after they went through the quotes she explained that she would use $4300 from the Clerk Tech Fund and the difference from her regular budget and Bert moved to pay $300 from Commissioner fund do to the use for their reports, copies etc. and Ron seconded, motion carried 2-0.
Chris Tedder came forward and reported they he has purchased a new charger for $24,750 for this year and he forgot to come in and ask about encumbering and was wondering if he could still do that and explained he wanted to use some of it to help with the purchase of the new vehicle, but he wasn’t sure if he would be allowed since he was late. They asked him to talk with Theresa to see what she suggests and report back. He also reported he has hired a part time and full-time deputy as well and that there have been no issues with the pipes in the mechanical room.
During Commissioner Discussion, Rosia asked if they would be talking about the ambulance contract again and Chay added that he has went over the contracts that the Clerk has on file and that he will be reviewing it over with Scott and will be in contact with Great Plains. Rosia added that she thought it renewed every year and Chay explained that the contract that is on file expired with no amendment, but he would look further into the contract so see if he missed something. Next Ron asked Rosia about purchases that he notices on her last voucher that there was sales tax paid and he explained that they don’t pay taxes with a government status and Rosia explained that on hotel expenses that if you don’t use a company card that they won’t honor tax exempt status at some hotels and Ron suggested not to stay at places that won’t honor it due to them being exempt for taxes and he suggested making sure to use their tax exempt on all purchases in the future.
Meeting adjourned at 11:29.
Commissioner Minutes
January 2, 2018
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
Courthouse Lower Level Conference Room
January 2, 2018
Bert Lowery, John Unruh, Ronald Freeman, Kristi Cooper, Travis Payne, and Chay Howard attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda and Commissioner minutes of 12/28/17
After the pledge of allegiance, Bert opened the meeting. John moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and Ron seconded motion carried 3-0.
Travis Payne came forward to give updates for his departments. He reported that the checks that were supposed to be deposited for the encumbrance for Noxious Weed were not done in time and, so he won’t be encumbering that $25,000. He informed them that he will be working on getting the billing done in a timely manner verses waiting till the end of the year to collect on outstanding bills. John asked Chay if the County had to provide chemicals for sell to the public and Chay informed them that they have to per State Statues and so John asked for Chay to create a resolution requiring payment at the time of purchase for sale of chemicals for use on private property. They also talked about changing the operational hours for Noxious Weed from 45 hours per week to 40 hours per week during the winter due to the budget being over and asked Travis if felt it was needed for his department and Travis explained that one employee is transferred to another department and that he has one that works on the trucks for the next season but he asked if they choose to change the hours now that they would at least be able to go back to 45 hours a week during spraying months and they informed him that they would look at that during that time and it would depend on how his budget is setting. It was by consensus to have Chay draw up a resolution to modify operational hours for the Noxious Weed department. While Chay drew those up John moved for 15 minutes executive session for non-elected personnel for 15 minutes to discuss employee relations at 9:09 and Ron seconded, motion carried 3-0. Regular session began at 9:24 with no action taken.
Break was called at 9:38 to 9:48
Chay presented Resolution 2018-3 for sale of chemicals and Resolution 2018-4 for modifying operational hours for Noxious Weed. After review of the Resolutions, John moved to adopt the resolutions and Ron seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Kristi Cooper presented Resolution 2018-1 for Chairman, Vice Chairman, County Depositories, Official County newspaper and County holidays and Resolution 2018-2 for GAAP waive requirement. After review of the Resolutions, Ron moved to adopt and Bert seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Commissioner Discussion. John wanted to discuss the ambulance management contract and asked the Clerk to have the attorney review it and look at it at the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 10:50.