Commissioner Minutes
July 5, 2022
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
July 5, 2022
David White, Bert Lowery, John Bertram, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, Jay Schmidt, Royce Frazier, Bruce Foster and Jeff Blackburn attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda and Commissioner minutes of 6/30/2022.
Prior to the meeting, the pledge of allegiance was recited, and prayer given by Jeff Blackburn. David White opened the meeting at 9:00. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and John seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Jay Schmidt came to inform them that road work on the county line north of Haviland is about finished, a grader lease is coming up in January but due to the expected price increase, he is looking to purchase one at the end of this year from Cat or John Deere, they also discussed a bobcat lease. Jay is looking into replacing the dump trucks they purchased from the State due to the expense of them continuously breaking down and is going to look into purchasing an end dump trailer. Bruce Foster came to be part of the discussion on spraying Johnson grass and how its charged for spraying and Chay explained the statues regarding the spraying for noxious weeds and the publications or notices he should be doing. He also suggested in getting an actual written agreement on the applications. They requested Chay to look to see what surrounding counites do.
Chay asked for clarification on the fence viewing and what they are specifically wanting him to look into about the process since he wasn’t present when they were discussing this. They were in consensus to draw up a request form for the process and get notice out to the public and if something does arise, he could get an AG opinion at that time. Lastly, he wanted to inform them that he is going to prepare for a tax closure sale for delinquent taxes from 2017 and earlier to get those caught up. John moved to approve the County attorney to proceed with a tax sale and Bert seconded, motion passed unanimously .
Royce Frasier came to give some updates for Barclay College and accredited programs they offer and information on the new wellness center they are building.
During Commissioner discussion David asked about the repairs that needed to be done with the irrigation system on the west side of the courthouse that was caused by the contractors and Kristi explained what happened and how it was handled.
Meeting adjourned at 10:24
Commissioner Minutes
June 30, 2022
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
June 30, 2022
David White, Bert Lowery, John Bertram, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, Morgan Allison, Kerri Ulrich, Matt Christenson and Stacey Weaver attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll report, Accounts Payable reports, and Commissioner minutes of 6/20/22 & 6/27/22.
After prayer given by Stacey Weaver and the pledge of allegiance recited, David White opened the meeting at 9:00. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda as presented John seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Morgan Allison came to give updates which included Dr Cook accepted the position of director with the hospital, starting a chronic care service and additional staff updates and schedules.
Kristi Cooper presented payroll reports, accounts payroll reports and minutes of June 20th and June 27th for signatures. Next, she presented a payroll change for C Tuttle for a department change. Bert moved to approve the payroll change and John seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Matt Christenson came to inform them that he paid for the workstations out of the equipment reserve fund and will have the departments reimburse to the same fund once all the equipment has been received.
Kerri Ulrich came to discuss some renovations in health department for an extra office and how it would be used. It was by consensus to move forward with getting quotes.
During the Commissioner discussion they discussed the fence viewing and it was by consensus to have Chay look more into this. Kristi advised them to talk with Chay for more information at the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15
Commissioner Minutes
June 27, 2022 Special Meeting
David White, Bert Lowery, John Bertram, Kristi Cooper, Matt Christenson, Theresa Dasenbrock, Tiffany O’Rouke, Brenda Osborne, Karen Butler, Kerri Ulrich, Julie Lyon, Jay Schmidt and Clay Parkin attended the meeting.
David White called the special meeting to order at 9:00 to go over the 2023 County budget with our auditors, Theresa Dasenbrock and Tiffany O’Rouke from Lewis, Hooper & Dick, LLC.
Theresa reviewed the landfill agreed upon procedures and the audit report. Tiffany then went into the audit process and explained some observations and recommendations. Next, Theresa shared comparison graphs for population, total mills levied last year, assessed tangible valuations, and total levies that were compared to surrounding counties and cities.
Break called for a 5-minute break at 10:40.
David called the meeting back to order at 10:45 and they moved into the budget process. After reviewing the budget information provided Theresa informed them that the final mill levy comes to 74.983 with if no other changes. She informed them that this is an increase of 1.916 mills from the 2021 levy for 2022 and 3.122 mills over the RNR level. Also they discussed the procedures regarding the cemetery budgets and she explained how timing and notification causes issues with the State’s Revenue Neutral Rate processes (RNR) and suggests the County continue on supporting the cemetery districts by preparing their budgets for them based on the information they submit and once the budget has been prepared it would be provided back to the cemetery district and they would be responsible for ensuring the notices are published, hearings are held with the resolution and budgets being formerly adopted and filed within the budget calendar outlined by the Division of Accounts and Reports. She did indicate the county would provide paper and pdf copies of everything that is required for them and after some discussion it was by consensus to move forward with the recommended changes on the cemeteries budget processes starting next year. Next, Bert moved to set the final mill levy as 74.983 for publication and John seconded, motion passed unanimously. The RNR hearing will be scheduled at 10:00 a.m. and the budget hearing will be at 10:10 a.m. on August 31st during the regular Commissioner’s meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:05
Commissioner Minutes
June 20, 2022
David White, Bert Lowery, John Bertram, Kristi Cooper, Chay Howard, Jay Schmidt, Kerri Ulrich, Grant Neuhold, Matt Christenson, Kari Kyle, Julie Lyon, Kendal Lothman and Stacey Weaver attended the meeting.
Consent agenda included: Agenda, Payroll report, Accounts Payable reports, and Commissioner minutes of 6/6/2022.
Prior to the meeting, the pledge of allegiance was recited, and prayer given by Stacey Weaver. David White next opened the meeting at 9:00. Bert moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and John seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Kerri Ulrich came to request a session for Board of Health (BOH). David adjourned the Commissioner meeting at 9:01 and called the Board of Health meeting to order. She reported staff updates, County Medical Director Dr. Ben Yabut has resigned from KCMH and looking into other options, attended the Red Cross shelter training, gave COVID-19 updates and leadership class through WSU completed. David adjourned the BOH at 9:09 and called the regular meeting to order.
Jay Schmidt invited Bruce Foster to come discuss spraying for noxious weeds and the use of the chemicals. Next Jay presented payroll changes for R Foster (merit) for approval. John moved to approve the payroll change as presented and Bert seconded, motion passed unanimously. Other updates included sand seal projects completed on City Service and Haviland blacktop, Kirkham and Michael will complete the county bridges load limit ratings this year, hauling caliche and dirty oversized rock to A St between 49th and 51St Ave next week to build the road up and do some ditch work, working on a field entrance on 30th Ave and correcting some water holes and deep sand spots, placing the dumpster at the back of the theatre and updated tire disposal price list for approval. Bert moved to approve the 2022 Landfill Prices and Tire Disposal Price list and John seconded, motion carried unanimously.
Grant Neuhold came and presented a slideshow on the different aspects the Media Center does overall and to go over his 2023 budget request and inform them of why they have an increase and how it will be used.
Matt Christenson came to present the 2023 budget requests for Emergency Management and Courthouse.
Kari Kyle came to present the 2023 budget request for the Council on Aging and explained that the increase is due to funds from other sources for their facility being decreased.
Break called until 10:32
Julie Lyon came to present the 2023 budget request for Economic Development and board member Kristy Zenger was present. She provided handouts with information on the program and what she can assist with in Kiowa County. And explained what the increase in their budget would be used for.
During Commissioner discussion J L Spurgeon came to talk about the duty of the Commissioners as fence viewers and Chay explained the statues that apply to specific duties as the viewers and what their responsibilities include, and he requests that the County publishes how they will handle this process moving forward. Kendal suggested getting an AG opinion on the subject.
Kendal Lothman came to discuss the 2023 budget request for the Sheriff office and Detention office.
Kristi Cooper presented a tax correction for personal property for review. Bert moved to approve the correction and John seconded, motion passed unanimously. Next, she presented payroll changes for J Finch and M Tuttle for merit raises. After review Bert moved to approve the changes as presented and John seconded, motion passed unanimously. Payroll and Accounts payable reports were presented for signatures and the minutes for June 6th. Last she went over the County Clerk, County Election and Maintenance 2023 budget requests.
Next, they started the pre-budget workshop with reviewing all budget requests for 2023 County Budget. There were no changes to be submitted to the auditors for the workshop on June 27th.
Meeting adjourned at 1:21