Services Provided:
- Immunization for children and adults
- (Private Pay, Insurance billed or Vaccine For Children (who have no insurance)
- Family Planning Service (Sliding Scale Fee) completely confidential for all ages
- Physicals
- Kan-Be-Healthy (for Medical cards)
- Preschool and School entrance
- Well child checks (lead screening, office calls)
- Foot Care
- School Nurse
- Screenings
- Blood Pressure, Hemoglobin, Blood Sugar, Urinalysis, Pregnancy Test, Ear Wash
- Allergy Injections
- Health Promotion Information and Talks
- WIC (Women, Infant and Children Nutritional Program)
- Safe Haven Place (Newborn Infant Protection Act)
- Annual Health Fair (early spring)
- Annual Color Run (late summer)
The Kiowa County Health Department was established in November 1965. Our mission has always been to provide our citizens with comprehensive, cost-effective, and quality health services. Our primary goal is to provide information and help prevent acute illness and diseases. We feel that all people are entitled to adequate health care. This department’s objective to provide a scope of preventative health services to all residents including, but not limited to: immunizations, nutritional information, education in caring for infants and children, well-person health assessments, early intervention health and development screening, family planning and women’s health services, disease investigation, and adult screenings and foot care.